Amateur Bodybuilder
Hi Im 24 years old, 6'6'' and about 210 pounds.
I have been working out since i was about 18 and went through about 3-4 years being a complete rookie to the muscle world. My training ideas were wrong, my diet was way off and i levelled at 185 pounds without any significant gains. And that was at 6'6''. So im talking slim.
Finally i had some sense knocked into me during mma (literally knocked into me), and i got a better understanding of what to eat, when to eat, how much, when to train, how etc etc etc.
I stuck on about 20 pounds in about 2-3 years naturally and so was very happy.
Now my gains are slowing down and i am nowhere near the build i want. Im still pretty scrawny, and my chest is awful.
I was thinking of my first cycle and perhaps doing it at the end of this year. (got a lot on atm and cant commit)
I was thinking of a dbol and "something else" cycle. Im not sure what tho, to stack dbol with. Im not keen on just doing Dbol alone because ive read gains are lost fast after. Also is it ok to do it with another oral like Winstrol (winny)? or should it be a test ester?
Im looking for ideas on cycle ideas and which products to stack.
my plan so far is:
DBOl at 30mg a day for 4 weeks
winny at 50mgs: injected every other day for 12 weeks.
Day 1 : Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg
Following 10 days: Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days: Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
opinions? criticism (i dont mind)
I have been working out since i was about 18 and went through about 3-4 years being a complete rookie to the muscle world. My training ideas were wrong, my diet was way off and i levelled at 185 pounds without any significant gains. And that was at 6'6''. So im talking slim.
Finally i had some sense knocked into me during mma (literally knocked into me), and i got a better understanding of what to eat, when to eat, how much, when to train, how etc etc etc.
I stuck on about 20 pounds in about 2-3 years naturally and so was very happy.
Now my gains are slowing down and i am nowhere near the build i want. Im still pretty scrawny, and my chest is awful.
I was thinking of my first cycle and perhaps doing it at the end of this year. (got a lot on atm and cant commit)
I was thinking of a dbol and "something else" cycle. Im not sure what tho, to stack dbol with. Im not keen on just doing Dbol alone because ive read gains are lost fast after. Also is it ok to do it with another oral like Winstrol (winny)? or should it be a test ester?
Im looking for ideas on cycle ideas and which products to stack.
my plan so far is:
DBOl at 30mg a day for 4 weeks
winny at 50mgs: injected every other day for 12 weeks.
Day 1 : Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg
Following 10 days: Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days: Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
opinions? criticism (i dont mind)