My Cycle Problems, any advice much appreciated!!


New member
Hey just over a week ago i started my first cycle of test e and dbol, but since i started i've been having a few problems. I shot 250mg of test enthate twice a week (thursday and monday) alternating glutes each time.

My first shot of test was in my right glute and was very sore for a week after and from looking through these forums i put it down to an unsteady hand and virgin muscle as it was not red or hot.

My second was in my left glute, still sore almost a week later, but my 3rd shot in my right glute again is really sore and is preventing me from doing alot! the muscle is quite swollen out just above the site like there is a bad knot in it. I don't know what else to do as on my third time i heated the oil, had a hot shower after and massaged the site.

I'm thinking of changing to just one jab a week and injecting slightly lower in the glute as the swelling is just under my lower back.

Any suggestions on what has happened to me and/or what to do???

much appreciated, these forums have been a great help so far!
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Welcome to the world of UGL gear and virgin muscles! It will get better, and you'll find the spots that work better for you. Look up PIP, it happens to everyone and some gear gives it worse than others.
You def need to inject twice a week, not just once or your levels will be too up and down. Just hang in there bro!
bud i was in the same boat as you, i'm on my 10th pin and only the last two have been pip free, it will slowly get better, i found that once the pip starts setting in you should get a heat pad and apply it as often as you can, as well as try sleeping with one on your area of pip... if it's stopping your training etc, re arrange your workout schedule, example: gym legs on the day of your pin so that you get it out of the way before pip sets in and you're unable to train your legs... try your quad as it will be easier to reach and your hand will be much steadier when your in a comfortable position, i pin my quads and find that if i go do a light cycle for ten mins about an hour or so after pining that the pip is far less painful... warm up your vials and be sure to inject slowly... all the best man!
Thanks for the advice everyone! mckic07 did you really only stop getting PIP after your eighth or so pin?? There is no way I could keep this up until then its stopping me from working and everything!

I'm gonna try my left glute again tomorrow after reading up on a few ways of preventing PIP and if that doesn't work I think I'll switch to my delt. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow anyway guys thanks!
From experiance the glute shots get pretty sore for me and make my lower back hurt as well. I switched to quads/delts and havent had any problems since besides a little pip. But since your injecting virgin muscle it is going to hurt a bit more.
I'm going to put up progress pictures seeing as the whole time i was researching my cycle thats alot of what i looked for, should i put them up in this thread or start a new one??
Hey everyone, just did my fourth pin in my left delt, a little worried as i aspirated and nothing came out so i proceeded to inject, i lightly pulled the pin back and it felt like it was being pushed out then a little blood went into the pin and a drip came out when the pin fully came out.

i applied pressure and did a few shoulder exercise movements with no weight after then a few minutes after i massaged it briefly.

i take it i'm worrying about nothing??

Hey everyone, just did my fourth pin in my left delt, a little worried as i aspirated and nothing came out so i proceeded to inject, i lightly pulled the pin back and it felt like it was being pushed out then a little blood went into the pin and a drip came out when the pin fully came out.

i applied pressure and did a few shoulder exercise movements with no weight after then a few minutes after i massaged it briefly.

i take it i'm worrying about nothing??


first of all, its your own blood so nothing to worry about. the drip or leaking of fluid out of the site injection. it happens. nothing you can do about it, just use an alcohol pad, clean it and band aid it. thats it.
whats up everyone just an update, did fifth pin in right delt and got some serious PIP but good news on number 6 which i did yesterday!

i did my left glute and even tho my hands were somewhat shakey i have no PIP today :kiss2: after i pinned i got a hot water bottle and sat on it for a good hour and the next day i had no pain whatsoever! hopefully this will continue as the PIP has been interfering with training so bad i have not accomplished as much as i would have like this far in. hopefully it will all change now tho!