My cycle


New member
So I been working hard in the gym i went from weighing 205 to 260 and want some more size. I am planning on taking D-Bol with some kind of test but don't know what yet. What kind of post cycle therapy (pct) should I use and when should I start it. Here's my info

I'm 22 I'm 6'5 and weigh about 245 and my goal is to weigh 280.
My calorie intake is about 4-5 thousand calories and I workout 6 days a week and workout for about 2-3 hours.

If I can get some help I'd really appreciate it.
you should wait abit buddy at your age your test levels are still high and you can gain alot naturally, 2-3 hrs 6 days a week sounds like alot to me youd be better off looking at your diet and training routine, if you wanna gain put your calories up to about 6000 youll def need it at your height, im fairly sure if you address youe diet ad training sorted you get bigger.
you should wait abit buddy at your age your test levels are still high and you can gain alot naturally, 2-3 hrs 6 days a week sounds like alot to me youd be better off looking at your diet and training routine, if you wanna gain put your calories up to about 6000 youll def need it at your height, im fairly sure if you address youe diet ad training sorted you get bigger.

How long do you think I should wait before I take any kind of PH
til the same age imo, treat prohormones as steroids, there are people that run cycles at 21 22 but its much better in the long run to build up a natural base of muscle and get the gains you can naturally, then when your older run a cycle. Your 1st cycle will be your best buddy and the later you leave cyclong the bigger potential youll have in the long run.
Earlier users have to constantly increase there dosages and cycles to keep getting bigger whereas if you wait abit build up a base then cycle it leaves you room to increase and change your cycles while still making good gains in the future.
If you were to cycle now with the calories you consume i would imagine youd gain, but will lose it all months later as there are not enough calories to sustain the muscle your carrying, if you wanna kep gaining keep eating buddy and id seriously look into training routines and experiment which one is best for you, if you cant gain naturally you wont keep your gains when you cease the steroids.