my designed cycle pumped about it need critiques


New member
hey everyone, i am new to this forum absolutly love the knowledge on here you guys are great. i am a 23 year old bodybuilder have currently been lifting for 6 years since i have been 17 this is my life. about to do a cycle of anavar, test prop, and proviron.

need some critiques on this i am currently 188 6 percent bodyfat have worked my ass off for the past year i have been dieting very strictly preparing for this cycle. i have a show in november and want to do very well. i am 6ft tall my bench is 295 deadlift 455 and squat 355 i am looking to stay ripped look full and increase strength. my cycle looks as follows

week 1-8 test prop 150mg eod
week 3-8 anavar 60 mg ed
proviron 25 ed (dont know how long should go for)
arimidex .25 ed for 8 weeks

100/100/50/50 clomid and nolva 40/40/20/20
yes how should i incorporate Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i have read 250 iu every 3 days for how long? will this affect gains ?
You should run hCG at 500iu / wk. Split into two 250iu doses 3.5 days apart. No it will not affect your gains, it will help your testes from atrophying on cycle as well as help for a smoother transition into your PCT.

EDIT: use it for the duration of your cycle. wk 1-8.
be safer with it being an estrogen blocker also stay ripped with it acting as a hardner and it aids the test as well so i wanted to just try it i have heard amazing things about it
be safer with it being an estrogen blocker also stay ripped with it acting as a hardner and it aids the test as well so i wanted to just try it i have heard amazing things about it

Arimidex is very powerful and will absolutely suffice in controlling estrogen. IMO you don't need proviron. I don't know much about it so I cant help you on the correct dosage.
Why are you running proviron? Don't think you need it, but maybe one of the vets can chime in and help ya out...
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