My eating plan-NEED HELP


New member
This is my current eating schedule, I'm still bulking, but only for a month an half then I'm starting on my cutting period..

MEAL 1: 150 gr oat meal with milk, 1 whey proteinshake, 2 vitamin tabs, 2 tablespoons fish oil

MEAL 2: 1 cottage cheese (300 gr)

MEAL 3: 50g pasta, 1 can of tuna, 50g cheese.

MEAL 4: 2-3 chicken breasts (100 gr each), or 1 whole chicken.

MEAL 5: Same as meal 3.

MEAL 6: 1 can of tuna, and some slices of bread with salami or other meat.

Post workout: 100 gr carbo fuel (50/50 dextrose and maltodextrin), 1 shake whey protein. This I take right after training, and 30 minutes after this i eat another meal.

MEAL 7: 1 can of tuna.

MEAL 8: 4-5 eggwhites.


Need a little help on this one, cause I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with my training now a days..
Stats: 19 years old, 6'3.5" and 211 lb..I'm not sure of by bodyfat %, but think it's a little too high..Bulking all winter, and been training and eating serious for about a year
You may need to bump up your calories. Other then that I would suggest taking a week or so off and lower your calores then slowly increase them again untill your a little higher then you were before.
Things take time especially after that first year of getting serious about diet etc...
Try this

.MEAL 1: 150 gr oat meal with milk, 1 whey proteinshake, 2 vitamin tabs, 2 tablespoons fish oil

MEAL 2: 1 cottage cheese (300 gr)

MEAL 3: 50g pasta, 1 can of tuna, 50g cheese.

MEAL 4: 2-3 chicken breasts (100 gr each), or 1 whole chicken, 1/4 cup brown rice (precooked measure)

MEAL 5: Same as meal 3.

MEAL 6: 1 can of tuna, and some slices of bread with salami or other meat.

Post workout: 100 gr carbo fuel (50/50 dextrose and maltodextrin), 1 shake whey protein. This I take right after training, and 30 minutes after this i eat another meal.

MEAL 7: 1 can of tuna, 1 tablespoon fish oil

MEAL 8: 10 eggwhites, 2 yolks


Added carbs, fat, and protein should help you out. If you still aren't gaining, set your alarm clock for 3am and get up and make yourself a casinenate shake and drink it. Or make it ahead of time, then just wake up to drink it.