My Epistane cycle


New member
Its been a month after I finished my 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) of my 5 week epistane cycle, I used Epi 2a3a by vital labs, 20/30/30/40/50. Cycle support I used Cycle assist, I was on it during the whole cycle and whole post cycle therapy (pct) (went through 2 bottles). Also took Glucosamine Chondroitin for my joints. post cycle therapy (pct) was 4 weeks of liquid Nolvadex from CEM, doesed it at 50/40/40/30. Also during post cycle therapy (pct) I took the natty test booster Dpol and the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Triazole.
Before Cycle..
Height: 5 foot 9 inches
Weight: 183
Age: 16
Max bench: 275
Deadlift: 495
Squat: 435
Arms: 16.5 in
Forearms: 13 in
Thigh: 26.5 in
Calf: 16 3/4 in
Chest: 44 inch

After cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)..
Height: same
Age: same
Weight: 194 (and look more leaner and vascular than ever)
Bench: 305 (goal was 315 but its all good)
Deadlift: 520
Squat: 455
Arms: just under 17 inch
Forearms: 13 1/4
Thigh: 27 in
Calfs: same (dammit!)
Chest: a hair away from 44.5 in

Side effects..
I literally experienced no negative side effects what so ever, not even testicular atrophy even by the end of week 5. Did get very little acne on the shoulders but other than that, libido was normal and I didnt experience back pumps which is common with epistane. Joints were fine also. All my gains were dry and lean, with little to no water retention, and I never looked this lean before or this strong. Had lots of energy at the gym and didnt feal like leaving.

PS: yes im 16 years old. I used epistane properly and responsibly and succeeded with no side effects and after a month of post cycle therapy (pct) I am still fealing great and didnt loose any gains or strength. Before I started my cycle I been training for 1 year 8 months, decided to do an epistane cycle to cut down and because I was in a plateau for about a month. Im not thinking about another aas cycle till maybe sometime next year, I dont know yet. I just felt like posting this because I wanted to prove that someone as young as I can take an aas with success and not get addicted, or abuse it, or destroy my organs, or killing myself. I also want to know what you guys think about my cycle and if you guys had similar expiriences? Thanks
First off I don't see any blood labs before and after. Keep on going by just how you feel I'm sure that will work out great...... Dumbass
Damn after a year is when I get posts on this. Yes I'm very alive and never better, very healthy too. Since this post I've done 2 more cylces of dmz 2.0. Now weighing around 211 pretty lean if I had to geuss 13-15%