My experience with tren and kratom


I like pudding
Ive seen a few threads recently regarding tren sides. By no means am I a vet or an expert on running AAS, but I can share my experience and what has worked for me (most of which I got from vets on this board). Im a firm believer that I can make the decision to be an asshole or bite my tongue. While I have noticed my patience on tren can be shorter than normal and somethings that I normally wouldn't think twice about can get under my skin. Using a little bit of self awareness these things don't seem to be an issue. The one side that can get to me is the insomnia and a lack of sleep with or without gear can make me a bit edgy or just not myself. Ive tried melatonin, tylenol pm, valerian root and several other methods. Some worked for part of the night and the pharmaceutical methods tend to leave me feeling groggy in the morning. After seeing threads on kratom for a while now I decided I'd give it a go during this run with tren a. I started with a small amount of thai red vein and was surprised at how well I responded, I slept the rest of the night and woke feeling rested. I haven't used it every night, and haven't played with the dose much, but it has made this run so much easier and I feel that because of getting the needed rest my training has been on point and Im able to be present for more of my day. I haven't experimented using kratom for some of its other properties, but that may be next. I can tell you for me, I don't believe AAS dictates my behavior, but I do believe they need to be respected for the powerful compounds that they are. I need to be aware how they affect me and the bottom line is, if I'm going to act like an idiot I shouldn't take it.

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Thanks for the honest and to the point review! I haven't tried Kratom as I've read it may be habit forming, which makes me nervous (I was hooked on opiates many years ago) - but it may be worth a look-see if sleep issues get out of hand.
I too have had my struggles with addiction. While there are tons of articles saying that it isn't physically addictive (not that I have read many, nor am I debating the subject, just commenting on the usual online arguments I've seen) and I know just from the guys on this board its really helped people with chronic pain issues. I can absolutely see where it could become an issue if not treated with respect. If you end up seeing me trying to get some vials of test and I tell you "I got these cheese burgers man!" You'll know its become a problem.
From my experience with works wonders for tren sides. I even took small doses of maeng da throughout the day for mood enhancement, energy and calming effects. Not that I wouldn't survive without it....but it certainly takes the edge off. I used it almost daily for the 8 weeks I was on tren. I'd say the addictive qualities are slighly less than caffeine. Caffeine withdrawals give you headaches and make you cranky. Stopping kratom cold turkey didn't give me withdrawals but it made me miss the calm happy feeling and I didn't like getting pissed off at little things that I would normally brush off on kratom. Very easy to stop though IMO. I've never gone consistently for more than that 8 weeks though.
Kratom needs to be respected. It did a world of good for my wife as far as helping her to taper her doses of pain meds way down but there is no doubt it is physically addictive. It attaches to and activates the same receptors as opiates and if addiction is an issue, and especially if opiate addiction has been an issue for you in the past, I would avoid the use of Kratom.
I think depending on the person and the situation Kratom can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Its an individual thing the key is being honest with yourself as to which it is for you. Only problem there is most addicts are masters of justification so just be wary and use with caution I would say.