My first Blast and Cruise cycle, need advice


New member
Hi Everyone,

After cycling on and off and doing PCT the proper way (time on + PCT = Time off) for 3 years, I've just recently ended a cutting cycle and am growing really frustrated with watching my gains fade away into oblivion after all of that hard work. Which is why I am now planning to blast and cruise.

I am 36 Years old, 6'2, 195 lbs (was 205 lbs 5 weeks ago..damn PCT!).

Being that I don't have much experience with blast and cruise, I thought I put together a plan based on compounds I've taken before. I would love to get some input and advice from experts here in this Forum.

I broke it into 2 bulk blasts and one cut blast with cruising in between.

Blast 12 Weeks (bulk)
Testosterone Enanthate 600mg/week 12 weeks
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg eod 10 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg eod 14 weeks

Cruise – 6 weeks
Testosterone Propionate 200mg/week - 6 weeks

Blast 12 Weeks (bulk)
Testosterone Enanthate 600mg/week 12 weeks
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg eod 10 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg eod 14 weeks

Cruise – 6 weeks
Testosterone Propionate 200mg/week - 6 weeks

Blast 12 Weeks (cut) – 8 weeks
Testosterone Propionate 150mg eod 8 weeks
Anavar 100mg Ed 8 weeks

Cruise and repeat..

What do you think?
Would you change anything, so so why?
Are the dosages ok?
If I decide to stop altogether and take time off, so I start a normal PCT protocol?
First let me say that I am surprised you cannot keep your gains after a cycle. You are not that big. What is your diet like? Have you run blood work to see if you are hypogonadal?

Next, even when blasting and cruising the general rule is that Time On = Time Off for a blast. Your body still needs a rest after a blast. So I would extend the cruise periods.

Why switch to short esters during your cruise? If you are going to be on TRT (cruising) for the rest of your life, you should always run your baseline dose of a long estered test.

You may need an AI on your cruise dose. Make sure you run frequent blood work to monitor things.

Why don't you use hCG? Why wouldn't you use hCG while Blasting and Cruising. I would definitely recommend including it.

Why end the NPP before the Test E during your blasts?

It is better to run exemestane daily due to the short half life.

Why are you thinking about PCT? That is the wrong mindset. If you go into this, it should be with the mindset that you will be on TRT for the rest of your life. The longer you stay on the less likely your chances of recovering Natty T become.

It would be better to get TRT prescribed by a doctor. That makes things a lot easier.
First let me say that I am surprised you cannot keep your gains after a cycle. You are not that big. What is your diet like? Have you run blood work to see if you are hypogonadal?

Next, even when blasting and cruising the general rule is that Time On = Time Off for a blast. Your body still needs a rest after a blast. So I would extend the cruise periods.

Why switch to short esters during your cruise? If you are going to be on TRT (cruising) for the rest of your life, you should always run your baseline dose of a long estered test.

You may need an AI on your cruise dose. Make sure you run frequent blood work to monitor things.

Why don't you use hCG? Why wouldn't you use hCG while Blasting and Cruising. I would definitely recommend including it.

Why end the NPP before the Test E during your blasts?

It is better to run exemestane daily due to the short half life.

Why are you thinking about PCT? That is the wrong mindset. If you go into this, it should be with the mindset that you will be on TRT for the rest of your life. The longer you stay on the less likely your chances of recovering Natty T become.

It would be better to get TRT prescribed by a doctor. That makes things a lot easier.

Thanks responding @Megatron28. I'll answer your questions and ask you a few more:

My diet is pretty solid and has remained consistent. The truth is I got a nasty viral gastro immediately after the cycle and right before PCT, so I couldn't eat for a week and lost a considerable amount of weight....for this cycle the loss is a bit unusual, but as a baseline, my normal weight is about 175 lbs (I am naturally scronny and tall), so at 195 to 200 I look really big even though I am not that heavy. I am not sure about being hypogonadal, I'll have to have that checked.

So from your advice here is what I gather, correct me if I am wrong:

Time on blast = time on cruise
Extend the NPP to the full 12 weeks to match 12weeks test E
Run HCG during blast and cruise - What dosage would you recommend as a baseline?
Run an AI during cruise - should I stick with Exemestane throughout? ED, what dosage do you recommend?
Sort of.

So you have never gotten blood work before. If not, that is where you need to start.

I personally would run Deca instead of NPP and go for 16-20 weeks on a blast. You don't have to worry about recovering your Natty afterwards. So as long as your blood work looks good during a blast you can run it for extended periods compared to someone who runs PCT.

hCG should be 250iu twice a week.

I didn't say run an AI during a cruise. I said you may need it. Blood work will tell you if it is needed by checking estradiol.

Exemestane is fine. Dosage will depend on how your blood work looks.

Do you follow me on what I am saying about the mindset of this being for life? In two to three years it is going to be hard to "unring the bell".
Personally, if you are considering a life of blasting and cruising - you need to ascertain whether you are hypogonadal at this stage and not a few years down the line. If you are, get your TRT protocol up and running first and foremost, and then you can blast to your hearts content.

In your OP you blame PCT for losing all of your gains, but then in your follow up, you said you had a virus.

I really feel you should hold off on the 'blast & cruise' lifestyle as long as you physically can - a lot can change in a year and you could potentially damage yourself beyond repair.

I had 6 standard cycles, made good gains on all of them - and more importantly KEPT a high percentage of those gains through PCT with a relevant diet and hard work.

Don't be too quick to chuck in the towel bud.
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Sort of.

So you have never gotten blood work before. If not, that is where you need to start.

I personally would run Deca instead of NPP and go for 16-20 weeks on a blast. You don't have to worry about recovering your Natty afterwards. So as long as your blood work looks good during a blast you can run it for extended periods compared to someone who runs PCT.

hCG should be 250iu twice a week.

I didn't say run an AI during a cruise. I said you may need it. Blood work will tell you if it is needed by checking estradiol.

Exemestane is fine. Dosage will depend on how your blood work looks.

Do you follow me on what I am saying about the mindset of this being for life? In two to three years it is going to be hard to "unring the bell".

I am completely with you on this one, it has to be a permanent decision.
I'll start by getting a new round of blood-work done (last one was 4 years ago). Is there a specific test I want to see or a general blood work up? I want to be sure I am asking my doctor for the correct tests which I can then just re-do every with months.

I've never done Deca, what is the recommended intake protocol? And why do you recommend it instead of NPP?
300mg is a bit low mate, people run that dose for medicinal joint relief...

.... my first run of Deca was 600mg per week (2 x 300mg injections - Mon AM - Thurs PM)

But I reiterate... put the blasts on the backburner and find out where you stand with regard to whether TRT is an option for you, or if at all it is required.
300mg is a bit low mate, people run that dose for medicinal joint relief...

.... my first run of Deca was 600mg per week (2 x 300mg injections - Mon AM - Thurs PM)

But I reiterate... put the blasts on the backburner and find out where you stand with regard to whether TRT is an option for you, or if at all it is required.

Thanks m8. I will get my bloodwork done ASAP, and before I make any decisions.
I am completely with you on this one, it has to be a permanent decision.
I'll start by getting a new round of blood-work done (last one was 4 years ago). Is there a specific test I want to see or a general blood work up? I want to be sure I am asking my doctor for the correct tests which I can then just re-jdo every with months.

I've never done Deca, what is the recommended intake protocol? And why do you recommend it instead of NPP?

For blood work, read the Ology FAQs sticky thread. It has info on blood work and a link to a TRT thread.

Check out my signature below too.
Thanks for the input guys. I did a full bloodwork, and had a sit-down with my doctor.
my levels are all very normal, no indication of low T at all. So I have decided NOT to blast and cruise at this time.

Will instead just run a bulk cycle
Testosterone Enanthate 600mg/week 12 weeks
Deca 600mg/week 12weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg eod 12 weeks
Can you post up your blood work results please?

Sorry for the long delay, I was just able to get my hands on the full print out this morning.
I have 2 pages of results...

Testosterone Total: 12.7 nmol/L
SHBG:46.9 nmol/L
Testosterone Free Cal: 201 pmol/L
Test Bio Cal: 4.83 nmol/L
All above within average normal ranges.

There are alot of figures on here, HGB, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC etc...let me know if you want to see more... I may just post a scan on the full report.
Sorry for the long delay, I was just able to get my hands on the full print out this morning.
I have 2 pages of results...

Testosterone Total: 12.7 nmol/L
SHBG:46.9 nmol/L
Testosterone Free Cal: 201 pmol/L
Test Bio Cal: 4.83 nmol/L
All above within average normal ranges.

There are alot of figures on here, HGB, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC etc...let me know if you want to see more... I may just post a scan on the full report.

Scan would be good with reference ranges included.
How does it happened that after 3 years of cycling you don't know the difference between NPP and deca?
Q for megatron: why are you suggesting HCG 250 x 2? Is it only for fertility or is there any other medical reasons?
How does it happened that after 3 years of cycling you don't know the difference between NPP and deca?
Q for megatron: why are you suggesting HCG 250 x 2? Is it only for fertility or is there any other medical reasons?

There are other hormones that are being made that get shut down with the presence of androgens. This is actually touched on in the Basic TRT Overview thread. DHEA and Pregnenolone in particular get backfilled when using HCG. Look those two up.

You can supplement for them, but with supplementing you'll need to monitor it in the beginning to make sure you're not taking these two's levels beyond any extraordinary amount! At least until you get it dialed in. HCG is just easier as it uses the natural process of production and won't over produce DHEA and Preg.. at least from my understanding.

Mega or Ben may be able to elaborate more. Oh, and yes, fertility is the main reason behind it. That and testicular size.. typically at least.
How does it happened that after 3 years of cycling you don't know the difference between NPP and deca?
Q for megatron: why are you suggesting HCG 250 x 2? Is it only for fertility or is there any other medical reasons?

Basically, running hCG while cycling keeps your testicles from atrophying. healthy testicles means a speedier and more likely recovery once you begin PCT.
Basically, running hCG while cycling keeps your testicles from atrophying. healthy testicles means a speedier and more likely recovery once you begin PCT.

But if you are planning to do PoWeR PCt when using HCG during all the cycle is not necessary?