My first cycle 250 Mg Week / Test E Plan - Do I need Hcg and Milk Thistle ?


New member
Hi everybody.

I am 25 years old, 5 Ft 9" and 155 Lbs male.

I decided to use anabolic steroids.

This will be my first time.

I decided to use Test Enanthate , 250 Mg per week.

Do I need to use Milk Thistle with this ? I heard that oral steroids are harmful to livers, but do only 250 Mg / Week injections are dangereous too ? Do I need to use Milk Thistle or not ? ( Or any other liver protector ? )

Since I dont have much money I dont want to waste my money.

My other question is,

Some people advice me to use Hcg while cycling, and some people dont.

So if I use Hcg with my cycle, can I inject Hcg just after I injected testostorone to my body ? Or I should do this on different days ?

( For example every week Monday I inject 250 Mg Test, and than Tuesday I inject Hcg ? )

Or can I use pills for Hcg ? Or , Clomid or Arimidex is enough to prevent balls from getting smaller ? ( I have also read that Hcg should not be USED in PCT )

If I dont use Hcg and only use Clomid or Arimidex, can I have sex and masturbate while on cycle ? They say balls get smaller, so I cant cum while on cycle ? I am very curious about it. I researched about this online but cant find clear answer for this.

Also I have read that I should use Eostrogen blockers inorder to prevent aromatization, but what should I use and how much dosage ?

Another question is , I have naturally low testostorone. I dont have any medical problems because I have done full blood test and everything is okay. ( Liver, Throids etc. ) My natural test level is only 452 Ng / Dl. I dont know my free test levels. I only know total.

So I want to use 250 Mg / Week PERMANENTLY. Do you think it is safe ?

If you feel that you are old enough to start messing around with this stuff, (which you probably should wait a few more years) then you will be responsible enough to educate yourself. Read. Then if something is confusing, ask. But 1st read.

And by confusing, I don't mean "one guy at the gym said this but my buddy said that". No bro-science. Actual science. Actual studies. Actual experience.

Start with reading the stickies. Guys with way more knowledge than I spent the time to write them just for beginners like you n me
Guessing you haven't lifted seriously. 155 is too light to start cycling- even at 5'9. You need to build a better base.

What is your lifting history? Why are you considering a cycle?
all your questions are WAY off base . you need to do a lot more research. And get your diet and training in line before considering AAS.

questions like
- milk thistle needed for testosterone injections ? of course not, testosterone injections don't fuck up your liver
- arimidex for keeping your balls from getting small ? what, of course not its an estrogen blocker.
- can you have sex while on cycle ? wtf, thats the best time to have sex. fucking murder that pussy

honestly , the most anabolic thing you can take right now and need is FOOD.
I lifted around 5-6 months, my strength improved a little bit and I gained weight but I only gained fat.

I did not lift since April 2015, but my at my best, my body was 170 Lbs with %20 Bodyfat ( I had huge gut ) , and I had only 13" flexed biceps. It was rubbish.

Now I am 155 Lbs ( I measured my bodyfat as %15 but I am not sure ) , and my biceps are 12" flexed.

Maybe I have really bad genes, but I think the main problem is low testostorone. I dont know my free testostorone level , tomorrow I will have a blood test, I will write here the result.

But my concern is , balls are getting smaller. So, with small balls, I will have less sperm ? I mean I will shoot less than usual ? ( Cumming ) ?
And I forgot to reply, I am really curious about using 250 mg / week testostorone ALL TIME. Without cycling. I just want to use it permanently, is it possible ? Because my natural levels are really terrible. I hate it. My facial hair is like pubic hair and I hate it. Despite my bloodwork shows everything perfect ( Tyroid, liver etc. ) , my heart check up is also tells me that my heart is at perfect condition, all the time I feel exhausted. I need at least 10 hours of sleep. I have high libido but I have erection problems. I have memory problems, I can easily forget. I think I have all low T symptomps.

I've read in internet that, a guy tried to build muscle for 6 years and could not build due to low testostorone. ( He has naturally 289 Ng / Dl though ) , but once he raised his Test levels to around 1000 Ng / Dl, he build impressive physique according to his blog.

I saw that, top %5 percentile guys can produce 1000 NG / DL naturally. So I want it too. I want to experience high T. I am really curious about it. And again, I hate my 12" flexed arms. I definately hate it.
IMO your going to do whatever YOU want to do regardless of what anyone on this forum says. BUTTTT... I highly suggest you do some research. Some serious bed time reading. The science of AAS should well understood before you start using. Get your diet on point. If your not gaining without gear, you will not gain on gear. Save your money. Get a solid training plan and stick to it. Again, do what you want. Who hell am I to judge. But you asked for opinions and this is my .02 cents.
AAS is not some magical potion that creates muscle for air. You will gain a lot of water weight wich can be deceiving. It's easier to build muscle when your cycling sure. But if your diet is garbage, your are going to look like garbage. What I'm saying is, get a real solid diet plan. Follow it. The better your diet is the better your gains will be.
I decided to try only aromasin cycle before TRT.

If it will work I will not use testostorone.

I read that aromasin can increase testostorone by %60 and free testostorone by %117.

So I bought it. I am using it everyday. I started this cycle at 20 Th of July.

I also bought protein powder and creatine mono.

I am consuming 100 grams of protein everyday. As well as 5 grams of creatine mono. And also I am using 25 mg arimidex everyday.

Next week I will have another blood test, I will post the results here.