My first cycle advice


New member
Hey all,

I'm 28, 80kg, eat 3k calories a day and work out 3 times a week (1 hour each) for the last 3 years and made some good progress.

I want to keep my first cycle simple, modest and safe!

Here's what i've got to so far... i think it just needs a little tweaking now

Testosterone enanthate 250 to last me 12 weeks @ 500mg a week in two injections of 250mg (monday and wednesday night)

Week 13 should be cold turkey as there will still be Testoserone enathate being slowly released.

Then at Week 14 thru 16 (3 weeks total) i should use tamoxifen 50mg taken daily to get my natural levels back up. is that right?

As for an aromatase inhibitor? I'm thinking about Proviron should i need it. If i did what dose should u se and how often?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I think i'm nearly there..

You can drop the tamoxifen down to 20mg after the first week. Also wait 10 days after your last injection to start post cycle therapy (pct). Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand in case you see any gyno symptoms