My First Cycle Ever. Advice or Tips PLEASE!!!!!!


New member
Hey everyone, thanks for looking at this post. Ill get right down to the nitty gritty. I have been an athletic individual my whole life, but life always throws you curveballs. I blew out my knee playing football and I put 75lbs on. I am 5' 10" and I blew up to 260lbs. I have been hitting the gym really hard and am down to 185 again. Everything is looking real good, and I'm starting to see some real gains. I talked to a buddy who is big into bodybuilding and competes year round and he told me its time to get on a cycle. After tons of research and talking to a few people I said why not and purchased a cycle. Here is what I bought:

3 10ml/100mg per ml test prop
2 10 ml/300mg per ml masteron e
3 10 ml/75mg per ml winny
2 10 ml/500mg per ml tren e
50 tabs nolvadex pct

His exact instructions for me are to put 1ml of test, .75ml of mast, and .75 of tren in one shot and do that 2 days a week Monday/Thursday) in my upper outer quadrant of my buttocks. He wants another 1ml of Winstrol (winny) 2x's a week (Wednesday/Saturday) as well. This is 3 month stack. I am nervous, excited, anxious, scared, everything u could imagine about doing my first cycle but im in it to win it.

Guys please let me know what u think, what u recommend, or even any scrutiny. Anything will help. I start on Monday. Once again thanks and I will keep all of u posted weekly on all gains in size, weight, and strength. Thanks and good luck.
And you have mentioned no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle.

You need to wait and read up more on AAS. Do not start this cycle.
Read the stickies my friend :)
i agree with frank. i look at gear like a marriage, be in it for the long haul and don't rush it. i would def not start with anything more than test and def not the doses your friend is talking about either. you've already got most of "stuff" you need (except an AI) now take some time and research. you'll thank yourself later and probably ease some of the anxious/scared/nervousness you have too.
thanks for the concern and tips guys. So im 28 years old and have been lifting on and off for 10 years or so. he said that nolvadex is my ancillary. he said take that one week before my cycle is over until its done. he is an NPC physique body builder who has been doing this a long time. he swears I will be more than fine with these dosages.
Prop twice a week? Tren and mast on a first cycle? No ai? No caber or prami? No liver support? Winstrol (winny) for 3 months? Do yourself a favor and research why all of this is a bad idea, otherwise your "friend" may be putting you down a long road of complications
I don't think that's a good cycle, my friend. Your more or less 75lbs over weight? You can easily burn most of it with diet. Once you've gotten quite lean, you can cycle to gain muscle. A simple test e and dianabol and adex and your golden.
I was 75lbs overweight but I am down to 185 right now. Hey Metal head thanks for your concerns. This is why I am asking about this. He swears its the right cycle, but I seem a little skeptical about that many compounds and dosages for my first cycle.
I was 75lbs overweight but I am down to 185 right now. Hey Metal head thanks for your concerns. This is why I am asking about this. He swears its the right cycle, but I seem a little skeptical about that many compounds and dosages for my first cycle.

Sorry just kinda skimmed tru.
If you wanna try tren start at 50mgs ed or 75mgs eod
Make sure your using a prolactin inhibitor and an AI
Test prop 100mgs eod

Maybe at the end of your cycle once your leaner you can add masteron for 4 weeks 300mgs a week. If your prone to MPB , stay away from masteron.

Fix your post cycle therapy (pct). I would probably drop the nolva and add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid
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Sadly, genetics play more into the fact your "friend" is an NPC competitor than his ability to advise you on proper AAS use. Do yourself a HUGE favor and give the stickies in the AAS section a good read over. You'll spend several hours consuming all sorts of knowledge, but that time spent is worth MONTHS to YEARS of prevented problems.

Toss everything to the side but the nolvadex. You're going to want to start off on a nice long estered testosterone and run that for 12 weeks with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). You'll need to pick up clomid (and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would make a nice addition, but I won't comment on that as I have not personally found that in my cycles to date) and then you'll have a decent cycle lined up for your first time. I have a feeling that your friend has forgotten what it is like to start from the beginning, and is seriously putting you at risk for a bad experience by starting you off so heavy with the drugs.

In the world of AAS, more isn't always better - and complicated doesn't always equate to better results. As wisely stated above, you're in it for the long haul; you want to be as informed as possible, so you can make the best decisions for YOU, not for your friend.

My .02c :)
One thing to add that no-one has mentioned yet...
If you were to start your 1st cycle with that many compounds - and then hit complications... you'd have a nightmare finding out which compound was causing you the issues...
I can't recall which member stated above - but I'd agree, 1st cycle should be Test only, run with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (and preferably Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the nads)
Good luck though - you've done the right thing asking for advice first -there's some wise 'old' heads here who will offer up expert advice...

NB: One tip I find helps a lot - when you finally have your cycle laid out and happy to commence - buy yourself a cheap diary, and write down all pin times, PCT plan, tablet times etc... and then tick them off as you go... not only does it serve as a helpful reminder - but also when it comes to planning your 2nd cycle, you'll be able to refer to it if you want to tweak it or add additional compounds...

Be healthy
BigBen :)
Like everyone stated above ^^^

We could line up the cycle for you to see but there are plenty of threads and STICKYS on the site to find that info. We will not do the work for you. Not saying you asked us to, but that you know ahead of time. Do some research, put together another cycle based on what you've found, post it up here and let us critique.

Btw congrats on the weight loss! Now put that motivation in the research and let us know what you find. It's all here for you to read :)