Hey everyone, thanks for looking at this post. Ill get right down to the nitty gritty. I have been an athletic individual my whole life, but life always throws you curveballs. I blew out my knee playing football and I put 75lbs on. I am 5' 10" and I blew up to 260lbs. I have been hitting the gym really hard and am down to 185 again. Everything is looking real good, and I'm starting to see some real gains. I talked to a buddy who is big into bodybuilding and competes year round and he told me its time to get on a cycle. After tons of research and talking to a few people I said why not and purchased a cycle. Here is what I bought:
3 10ml/100mg per ml test prop
2 10 ml/300mg per ml masteron e
3 10 ml/75mg per ml winny
2 10 ml/500mg per ml tren e
50 tabs nolvadex pct
His exact instructions for me are to put 1ml of test, .75ml of mast, and .75 of tren in one shot and do that 2 days a week Monday/Thursday) in my upper outer quadrant of my buttocks. He wants another 1ml of Winstrol (winny) 2x's a week (Wednesday/Saturday) as well. This is 3 month stack. I am nervous, excited, anxious, scared, everything u could imagine about doing my first cycle but im in it to win it.
Guys please let me know what u think, what u recommend, or even any scrutiny. Anything will help. I start on Monday. Once again thanks and I will keep all of u posted weekly on all gains in size, weight, and strength. Thanks and good luck.
3 10ml/100mg per ml test prop
2 10 ml/300mg per ml masteron e
3 10 ml/75mg per ml winny
2 10 ml/500mg per ml tren e
50 tabs nolvadex pct
His exact instructions for me are to put 1ml of test, .75ml of mast, and .75 of tren in one shot and do that 2 days a week Monday/Thursday) in my upper outer quadrant of my buttocks. He wants another 1ml of Winstrol (winny) 2x's a week (Wednesday/Saturday) as well. This is 3 month stack. I am nervous, excited, anxious, scared, everything u could imagine about doing my first cycle but im in it to win it.
Guys please let me know what u think, what u recommend, or even any scrutiny. Anything will help. I start on Monday. Once again thanks and I will keep all of u posted weekly on all gains in size, weight, and strength. Thanks and good luck.