My First Cycle is nearing the end: Here is my plan for the next


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Good day everyone,

Well......I am nearing the end of my first cycle (week 7 of 10). As a man in my mid-forties who has lifted (off and on) for the last 20 years, I started back into things full bore about a year ago, and have made some substantial (re) gains in that time. One thing that I have noticed however, is that once I hit my 40s, I started having to work out twice as hard to put on half as much muscle as I did when I was a youngster. Not to mention, I have old injuries that make it necessary to limit some of my exercises (old shoulder rotator cuff tear, bad back, bad knees,'s not the years, its the mileage...)

Height: 5'10
Weight: 240lbs

I started out with a very basic "beginner's cycle" of Deca and Dbol, since in all my time lifting, I had never used any kind of anabolics (although I did use a cycle of pro-hormones, and was pleased/impressed with the results)

My "Beginner Cycle" consists of: NeXGen DBol 25mg ED, and 300mg Medistar Deca/wk. I have Nolvadex, Clomid, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for PCT.

My gains on this have been "not too bad" from my standpoint. I have not put on mountains of muscle, but there has been steady and very noticable increases in strength and size (my arms have increased to 18 1/2" from 17", and my benchpress work-out weight has increased by 125lbs in only 7 weeks...). More than anything else with this cycle, I wanted to see how my body reacted to the anabolics and also see what my estrogen sensitivity far, so good.

I have been planning out my next cycle, and here is what I have:

14 wk cycle:

wk 1-10: Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/wk
wk 3-12: Tren Acetate 200mg/wk
wk 5-14: Deca 300mg/wk
wk 1-14: Arimidex 1mg ED

I am considering adding wk 1-14: Clenbuterol 50mg ED, but I am not sure about that yet..

As with the cycle I am currently on, I have Nolvadex, Clomid, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for PCT.

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Looks like you did you homework. I just got some dbol from nexgen there little yellow pills with no makings except with a line down the middle is this what yours looked like. Did they work for you. I'm doing my first cycle of test e and dbol there both from nexgen I'm ten day into it and don't feel any different. If you have any info on this lab that would be great
Josh: I will take your comment about doing my homework as a compliment! :) I definately wanted to make sure I was doing everything "as right as I could" before I started pinning. Your Dbol definately sounds just like mine. I didn't really start to feel anything from it (physiologically) until about week 3, and my strength improved pretty dramatically, so give it time to load into your system. I DID notice some soreness in my shoulders almost immediately, however. Once the Deca kicked in fully though, it seemed to help with my shoulder pain. Day 10 is still early into your cycle. I have TRIED to get some info on NexGen, but thus far, all I have been seing and hearing are questions about them.

Right now, the only gear I can get my hands on is Medistar. It seems pretty legit, but I have read a lot of posts about it not being dosed accurately. I would love to give AndroMed a try (I have heard a lot of good things about them), but they are a referal only UGL, so until I find a referal, I will continue to use Medistar..
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Yeah sounds like you are doing the same hmwk I am fellas. I've been pretty much studying everything I can on gear. Be careful about naming brands though, I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to discuss specific brands, just FYI, be careful. You guys seen this yet.... here, seems like a pretty legit site for reviews. Haven't ordered from any but it seems like from what people say, most are pretty legit. Plan on ordering here soon though.

Additionally I might suggest some liver support if you are using orals like dbol IMO.
Im not being a dick here but i feel i need to mention some things:

1st are you guys for real two 19nors at the same time and nothing to deal with prolactin ?

and why are you dropping the test wk 10 ? if anything the test should be ran to wk 1-16

forget clen its dirty stuff dont need it with your stack

HCG and testicular protection or you are def going to have trouble recovering ?

Running nolavdex with 19nors is not advisable at all, your serm choice would be better of with torem and clomid.

your cycle your on is a waste of AAS you'd of gained far more and done less harm with a 12 week test cycle, with or without a kicker, your deca will not have really kicked in til wk 5/6 and so the gains from it will be minimal really need to run it 12 wks minimum imo if your going to bother with it you may aswell have it at peak levels for a decent go.
As for assessing eastrogen tolernace and gyno risk deca does really aromatize to test, but may cause progesterone related gyno. dbol aromatizes tho howver your dosage is quite low so i doubt youve got any accurate info on your how your body reacts and copes with eastrogen.

you need to take a break for abit b4 jumping into another cycle aswell.

like is said im not trying tobe a dick or annoy anyone but your cycle could be run so much better, and you could get s mch more out of it. I seriously doubt yourl be ok on this next one youve got lined up and you need to be able to recover well and keep what you gain otherwise youll lose it all, feel like shit and possibly damage your health and waste your time. IMO run a 12 week test cycle with an oral kicker and var finish run it properly, or run the test/deca again properly and recover well if you do it right you could add 20lbs+. Your cycle choice is not a beginners and not needed really until your no longer getting decent gains fomr the other milder cycles, and once this is completed where fo you go from there ?

Thanks for the comments. I have Novladex, Clomid and HCG for post cycle therapy (pct) on both of my cycles, but on my next cycle, I will be running with 1mg of Arimidex/per day. That will reduce/eliminate any estrogen build up, and fight Gynecomastia and Water build-up, since it is a very strong AI.

As far as a Break goes: I am planning a 10 week break (1 week off, for every week on) before moving onto my next cycle.....and no: you're definately NOT being a dick :)LOL!! This (cycles) is a fairly complex subject, and everyone has different ideas on how to proceed...and input, so long as it is constructive is ALWAYS appreciated.

As for the cycle length, dosages, and week to week schedule: I based it off of one of the sample cycles in William Llewellyn's Anabolics (2006 Edition), with some minor changes to the dosages, since they seemed a little mild (especially after seeing some of the dosages I am seing on cycles posted here!). I want/wanted to have a good understanding and some experience with the cycles there, before I start "building my own" from scratch...
i wouldnt run two 19nors at the same time just pick one and run it properly either tren or deca not together.
Run test alongside which you choose and run it at 500mg wk and continue it 2 weeks past the tren or deca so they will have cleared by the time post cycle therapy (pct) is starting, with either 19nor youll need to run a prolactin Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like caber or prami to deal with prolactin issues and possible gyno fom that.
You need a test base to the finish as deca willshut you down hard and so will tren and if this happens yurll have no test to run on and get the deca dick sympton, plus youll gain more.

Id honestly run a decent Test E stack and add a oral kicker if you want and finish off with anavar on the end if youve got the cash youll be sweet and your recovery wil be better and easier so youl keep more, then next run id run another more serious compund alongside the test, always leave room for more and get what you can from the basics 1st.

heres a decent cycle below which should stack heaps of lean muscle on you providing your diet and training are on and its these issues that are most important. Its the food that builds gains, and adding extra compounds is done alot and popular but most of the time its done tocompensate for poor diet and training and not really needed.
Heres a complete cycle with all supports and one youd do very well on, itll provide quality gains from the test, has a fast kick start in the form of dbol which will add mass and increase strength and the var will harden you up nicley on the end. if alls good your diets spot on you could gain 20lb + maybe more on this buddy.

1-12 test E 500mg/wk spli mon/thursday
1-12 aromasin or adex
1-4 Dbol 50 mg a day
1-4 N2guard (protects liver and deals with BP issues)
6-13 Hcg 500ius x2 a week
9-14 Anavar 60mg/day - last 2 weeks bump to 80mg
9-14 N2gaurd or forged liver (liver issues again)
15-18 Clomid 50/25/25/25
15-18 Nolva 40/20/20/20
15-18 Forma stanzol
15-18 DAA 3g's a day

hope this helps dont need mad compounds to get good results early on.
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