My First Cycle.....Test C and DBol


New member
Whats up guys.... So this is my first cycle ever and i plan to start it next week. Here are some stats.
I have been lifting for about 6 years due to playing football and just the enjoyment of working out. I have been thinking about starting a cycle for awhile and have decided to go through with it. Here is the cycle i have and i want to hear your thoughts and advice. (good or bad)
My Cycle
Weeks 1-2-Front load Test C to get blood levels up. 4 cc's Test C once a Week. DBol 25 Mg ED
Weeks 3-5-Test C 2 cc's once a week. Dbol 25 Mg ED
Weeks 6-10-Test C 2 cc's a week.

Alight guys let me know what you think.
Whats up guys.... So this is my first cycle ever and i plan to start it next week. Here are some stats.
I have been lifting for about 6 years due to playing football and just the enjoyment of working out. I have been thinking about starting a cycle for awhile and have decided to go through with it. Here is the cycle i have and i want to hear your thoughts and advice. (good or bad)
My Cycle
Weeks 1-2-Front load Test C to get blood levels up. 4 cc's Test C once a Week. DBol 25 Mg ED
Weeks 3-5-Test C 2 cc's once a week. Dbol 25 Mg ED
Weeks 6-10-Test C 2 cc's a week.
post cycle therapy (pct)

Alight guys let me know what you think.

Well first off, pumping 4ml of anything into your muscle for the very first time in your life is just fking retarded. Do not front load. There is no point for your first cycle. Everyone thinks that t has to work right away!... Wrong. Drop the dbol. You dont need it. and even if you were to take it, 25mg ed at your weight would be minimal.

You dont run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (exemestane) for a post cycle therapy (pct). You run it through your cycle. If you have Aromasin, (exemestane) then you run it 12.5 mg eod DURING your cycle.

Your post cycle therapy (pct) is terrible. There a tons of stickies for post cycle therapy (pct)s. You want my opinion for a first cycle?

Run 12-15 week cycle of test e... Nothing but Test e. You need to see how you react to the compound you want to base all your cycles off of.
Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through your cycle. Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD, or Adex .5mg E3D

For a post cycle therapy (pct), start it 14 days after your last injection.
Run Clomid for 4 week at 50/50/50/50
And Nolva (Tamoxifen) 40/40/20/20

my .02
If its your first cycle there is no reason to front load with 1000mg a week for the first 2 weeks or to take 1000mg any other week in your cycle, as far as dbol goes you dont need it and certainly not at 25mg. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a good idea starting week 2 at 1000iu a week pinned twice a week. Your cycle should look like this

weeks 1-12
Test E or C @ 500mg a week twice a week
weeks 2-12
HCG 1000iu a week twice a week
aromasin 12.5 EOD (some peoples bodys act different sometimes and does not respond well with taking it every other day, if your one of these people keeping it on hand to combat sides if they occur will be suffice.) Seriously no D-BOL, save that for your next cycle.

PCT- 2 weeks after last pin
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
Okay so first question why no DBol?
The front loading sounds like a lot and that's why I'm on here to try to get this figured out I have read a lot of stuff for and against it!
So I should run just the test c an pin 250mg twice a week?
Okay so first question why no DBol?
The front loading sounds like a lot and that's why I'm on here to try to get this figured out I have read a lot of stuff for and against it!
So I should run just the test c an pin 250mg twice a week?

Well for a first cycle most people run test only. Id run the test cyp at 250mg twice a week. Being 6'2 224 like you stated and this being your first cycle you could yield some really nice gains aslong as your diet is sound. Id save the dbol for your next run. But if you wanted to run it you could.
Well for a first cycle most people run test only. Id run the test cyp at 250mg twice a week. Being 6'2 224 like you stated and this being your first cycle you could yield some really nice gains aslong as your diet is sound. Id save the dbol for your next run. But if you wanted to run it you could.

Reason being he shouldnt run dbol is because i personally think you shouldnt start using aas with more than one compound. If he starts to get sides or just a bad reaction then he wont know which compound is to blame. Absolutely should not run dbol. IMO
looks good dude lose the front load and save the dbol for your second cycle like the guys far as using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for your PCT aromasin is the prefered this will not give you any estrogen rebound...if you have estrogen sides on cycle you can also use the aromasin dosed ed....but the prefered choice is ameridex .05 eod...and the only other thing is taper the Tamoxifen to 10mg on week 6...

those people who do believe in front loading a long ester go with 2cc on day 1 (500mg) 1cc on day 2 (250mg) skip a day then start your cycle 1cc (250mg) twice a week...good luck and keep us updated
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Agree with others. No dbol, no frontload necessary for 1st cycle. Aromasin throughout and during PCT is fine if you want. I am dosing my Aromasin at 6.25mg ED. I think that the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250iu 2x/week is fine.
Test Test Test 500/wk you'll be fine..250 Mon/Thurs. About 4 weeks you'll look in the mirror and say WOW them boys were right...
Thanks for all the advice guys! I'm gonna cut the DBOL and just stick with the test! Ill keep everyone updated

Brother you just do 250mg/Test C or E Monday/Thursday 12-14 weeks.., In about 4-5 weeks you'll look in the mirror and say ( Hell Yell). Your first cycle is killer........ Test Only. Good Luck..