My first cycle - Test-Prop Oxandrolone ( anavar )


New member
Hello guys, I am planning a first cycle consisting of 6 weeks only.

Reasons: I travel a lot in my work and I have to pass metal detectors at airports, so I only have 6 weeks without passing a new airport. I dont want my parents and close friends to know that I am using AAS so I guess a 6 week is ok, also I want to avoid any side effect possible and I want only lean gains.

This will be the cycle:

weeks 1-6 Test-Prop (100mg - 1ml ) EOD
weeks 3-6 Oxandrolone 20mg ED

PCT starts 3 days after last injection

PCT = Novaldex 40/20/20/20

I am still in doubt about PCT, should I add clomid for a short cycle also ? Thank you very much for your time.

My stats:

30 years - 2 years lifting , always into some sport, now I am boxing.
8% BF

You might think I am underweight but in fact I am quite muscular to my size and I have very low BF. Cant post any picture tough cause I dont want anyone to know about this. Any comments and help will be appreciated.
I can't write a big long reply, but maybe some can expand on this for me? A few observations.

Read the Ology FAQs thread.

First cycle should only be test. Drop the oral. Save it for a future cycle.

350mg/week of test is too low. If you are going to run a cycle make it worth your while. You are shutting down your HPTA so get a reward for the risk you are taking. Since you want to run such a short cycle, I recommend 700mg/week.

PCT needs to be clomid and nolva. Both.

Even though it is a short cycle, I would recommend running hCG on cycle.

You need an Aromatase Inhibitor. Adex or Aromasin.

Are you set on blood work?

Are you familiar with how to time the start of PCT?
Thx people, lotsof things to read on FAQs...

Try to get my blood work done before doing anything, here in my country is not so easy to find this hormonal packages so it will be difficult for me without a doctor prescription, anyway I will try.

Thx for the replies !
Hey guys I have a doubt about HCG... If someone could explain to me please...

HCG tells your testicules to produce test again, but any steroid u take is gonna shut u down no matter wtf u take, because the steroid will be in your blood all the time, so this is not gonna fuck up with your endocr system ?

I mean, I am not convinced yet that HCG should be taken on cycle since I cant find any reasonable explanation...

Look at this video with Rich Piana just go to 02:30 min of video an he talks about HCG on cycle...
Hey guys I have a doubt about HCG... If someone could explain to me please...

HCG tells your testicules to produce test again, but any steroid u take is gonna shut u down no matter wtf u take, because the steroid will be in your blood all the time, so this is not gonna fuck up with your endocr system ?

I mean, I am not convinced yet that HCG should be taken on cycle since I cant find any reasonable explanation...

Look at this video with Rich Piana just go to 02:30 min of video an he talks about HCG on cycle...

hCG should absolutely be used on cycle if you care about your balls. hCG will keep them producing test even while on cycle. Only your brain will be fully shutdown, not your balls.

Don't listen to rich piana, he's full of broscience.
Hello guys, I am planning a first cycle consisting of 6 weeks only.

Reasons: I travel a lot in my work and I have to pass metal detectors at airports, so I only have 6 weeks without passing a new airport. I dont want my parents and close friends to know that I am using AAS so I guess a 6 week is ok, also I want to avoid any side effect possible and I want only lean gains.

This will be the cycle:

weeks 1-6 Test-Prop (100mg - 1ml ) EOD
weeks 3-6 Oxandrolone 20mg ED

PCT starts 3 days after last injection

PCT = Novaldex 40/20/20/20

I am still in doubt about PCT, should I add clomid for a short cycle also ? Thank you very much for your time.

My stats:

30 years - 2 years lifting , always into some sport, now I am boxing.
8% BF

You might think I am underweight but in fact I am quite muscular to my size and I have very low BF. Cant post any picture tough cause I dont want anyone to know about this. Any comments and help will be appreciated.

Yeah man pick up some aromasin as well as some hcg. The hcg is a MUST if you want to recover afterwards since I have added hcg to my cycles its like night and day the difference I also recover better and gains are better while on hcg in my opinion.
hCG should absolutely be used on cycle if you care about your balls. hCG will keep them producing test even while on cycle. Only your brain will be fully shutdown, not your balls.

Don't listen to rich piana, he's full of broscience.

Just to add, your testicles won't be pumping out test at full capacity in the presence of hCG and exogenous test, but it will keep them "turned on" a little and kicking out enough to limit atrophy.

You do not have to use hCG while cycling. It just helps minimize testicular atrophy which in turn helps you recover your Natty production faster. But I won't go as far as saying it is 100% necessary. It just speeds up your recover and reduces your chances of not being able to recover. It is highly recommended.
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My stats:
30 years - 2 years lifting , always into some sport, now I am boxing.
8% BF

You might think I am underweight but in fact I am quite muscular to my size and I have very low BF. Cant post any picture tough cause I dont want anyone to know about this. Any comments and help will be appreciated.

Nope, even for your size that's still too light. I'd want to be at least another 10kgs or more heavier (20+ lbs)
Thx for replies , the var I have in fact is ( Oxandrolone 10mg capsules ) made on a Pharmacy. But I guess I will not use it anyway, I will stay with Test-P only.