My First Cycle


New member

Looking for some advice on my first cycle, I am a novice, the closest I have come to Steroids was the ones prescribed by my doctor when I was ill 2 years ago!

I am 33 years of age and weight 95 Kg. I have been working out for 5 years. My diet is 100%, I got help with that.

Should, for my first cycle, do Test only or should I stack with something else like Deca?

I know there are side effects with all Steroids so here are three questions:

1. Can you take a low dose where you will make gains but reduce the effects of acne etc or is it a case of either take and get some of the side effects or stay clean?

2. If Gyno is kicking in, what should one take to reduce the effects?

3. When I have finished the cycle, what should I take to get the body back on an even scale?

Some questions my be a little simple but to me, if you don't ask, you wont learn.

As far as gyno goes check out herm's forum "everything you need to know about gymo". First cycle should always/usually be a test only cycle. And u need to look up and choose a PCT to do after your cycle. BTW, what test are youu going to do? C,E,P,Sus?
Clomid 50x4 is a good post cycle therapy (pct) for a test only cycle, just need to know what kind of test u r taking so u will know when to start post cycle therapy (pct).
Frazier512, Thanks for the replies.

To be honest, as a newbie to this, I am still researching each of the types of Test. I am not going to taking one for the sake of it.
Again, if you are any of the readers of this post have advice or recommendations, feel free to share.
Test e or c 500 a week for 10-12 weeks. Clomid 2 weeks after last test pin. Run aromasin on cycle at 12.5 ed or whatever you need to regulate estro levels properly. Everyone's different