my first cycle


New member
I am 23 years old, 230lbs, 6'5" and bf is 18%. I realize bf is abit high. My diest is a clean 4000 calories a day. I have been lifting weights for 2 years. This is my first cycle. I am taking 50mgs of anadrol ed, 250mg test cyp e4d and was taking .5mgs of letro but upped it to 1.25. I am 1 week in and noticed that my nipples were getting sensitive, no noticeable lumps or pain, this is after 2 days of starting. I dont know if its just in my head. I have access to letro, nolva and arimidex...but will take a week to recieve nolva or arimidex. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
I dont think letro will work to for gyno related issues as I read online. Although I have read from certain people that nolvadex could work, although others say it will not. I would have liked to be able to get some caber but am unable to. My question is, will nolvadex work to reverse/ prevent gyno in the early stages and if so would I continue letro? My belief is that I would have to stop letro to not counter the nolva.
letro is awsome it reversed my gyno to almost nutn, i use it threw my whole cycle then wing my self off it for post cycle therapy (pct) and get on clomid... i would save your nolva for your pct
like i said it revearsed my gyno to almost nutn... it kills i think like 97% or 98% of estrogen so dont abuse it thinking it will work better with more.
and it will take all puffiness out of ur nipples
i would say a few days to a week and start small go up to and stay on that till you come of then wing ur self off . if you just stop taking it will cause your estrogen to spike and you will have gyno again
The letro will basically help and maybe reverse any gyno issues. But be careful you dont use to much. It has been shown to completely remove all estrogen in some people. You still need some estrogen to maintain sex drive and so forth. You could use aromansin instead of letro. Still very poteint but not as strong.
Update, increased letro to 2.5 for about a week and nothing changed...I then got some vit b6 and started that and its been 3 days and sensitivity in my nipples is now completely gone and the puffiness is going down...drol is now dropped, im pretty sure I was having some prolactin issues from the drol, I am now just taking test cyp and have gone up 10lbs in 2 weeks!