my first cycle


New member
This is my first cycle with gear. I have been working out for 10 years and i am 23 years old. I am thinking about going with this layout:
Week 1: 400 mg of equipoise
Weeks 2-10: 400 mg of equipoise and 500 mg of enanthate
Week 11: 500 mg of enanthate
Weeks 12-13: 500iu of hcg
Weeks 14-15: 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 20 mg of nolvadex, and 50 mg of clomid
Weeks 16-17: 20 mg of nolvadex and 50 mg of clomid

I've done quit of bit of research and believe this stack should help me accomplish my goal which is making good but not dramatice gains with minimal water retention and not to lose as much as possible after my cycle.
You need to do more research. Your use of HCG is wrong, 10wks of equipoise is generally worthless, don't know why you'd pin EQ before test, also gains may not be dramatic but EQ does increase appetite substantially so that can cause dramatic gains. Also EQ is notorious for raising RBC's and hematocrit so you'd be needing to donate blood frequently. Plus you're 23 and shouldn't be messing with EQ on a first cycle. Stick to test only with PROPER HCG use and your post cycle therapy (pct) doesn't look bad but you could bump Nolva up to 40mg for first 2wks
If I stick with just test e how long of a cycle do u recommend and just take hcg throughout?

I'm personally doing 16wks but the results have diminished since the "golden days". I'd suggest test e only 12wk minimum and 14wk maximum. You need to figure out how your body deals with test alone before adding other compounds, what's your body's propensity like to aromatizing exogenous testosterone, is your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage doing the job (you didn't mention it in you OP but you will need it), how do you handle the sides, what sides do you get, etc. you need this info before stacking bc when sides come up how will you know what they're from?

HCG I'd suggest day 1 250iu 2x/wk for the while cycle stopping 4days before you begin post cycle therapy (pct). LOOK INTO AI'S Because you WILL need one. And have EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING, on hand before you start injecting.
No problem man. Also I did t mention it before but GET BLOOD WORK. before, during and after your cycle. Its pretty cheap if you know how to do it and would be irresponsible to skip over it.