My first cycle


New member
Hey everybody, am new to forums but have been doing a fair bit of research over the last few weeks and am eager to start my first cycle. Just wanted to check everything was good and make sure i'm on the right track with the help the more experienced guys.

I am about to turn 26 and have been lifting for 6 years and improved progressively with knowledge each year. My stats: 6ft2, 205 pounds (give or take a few). and about 12% bf. I've foolishly taken dianabol in the past when i was 21 but did this without my own research and going off the words of my mates who had done the same, i did this orally and needless to say i lost all my gains and suffered horrendous libido issues after.

Now i've done some research and found some credible sources I feel I am ready for my first cycle, anyway let me know what you guys think of this and please criticse/ recommend adjustments.

W 1-4 DBol 10mg 3x/D
W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg E3D
W 8-12 Proviron 50mg/D
W 12 Nolva 20mg 2x/D
W 13-15 Nolva 20mg/D

Also, advice on injecting sites, do's/ donts etc? I havn't injected before and am a little apprehensive about it. Thanks peeps.
Not the worst, but still needs a little work

Dbol should be OK, but I recommend adding something to help protect your liver. NAC, ALA , and Liv52 is a good combo, and NO alcohol at all while using orals. I like to take it all at once about an hour before I workout, but split it up on non-gym days. I might do 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon on non-gym days and just stop at 20mg for the day, just to give your system a little break.

When you say E3D, do you mean E3D or 2X per week? 250mg E3D is about 580mg per week. That's a bit more than the normal first cycle recommendation, but I think you'll do really well with it. You really need to extend the test. 10 weeks is not enough. Buy more and run for 12 weeks min, 12-14 would be ideal.

I think you'll get very little benefit from the proviron. It won't hurt, but I think there's better ways to spend the money to get more bang for your buck.

You NEED an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle, especially with the dbol or your estrogen will go through the roof. I like adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed. Start low and increase it at the first sign of itchy or puffy nipples. You NEED this.

I strongly recommend adding in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), you will recover faster and better with it. I like to use it on cycle at 250iu on the same day I pin test 2X week or E3D) Last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin should be 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct). Start at week 2 if you have enough, otherwise count backwards to find your start date. Timing of the last pin is more important than when you start. You can also blast it before post cycle therapy (pct) if you prefer. That process is detailed in a few of the stickys on this site.

2 problems with your post cycle therapy (pct). If last test is at the end of week 10 and post cycle therapy (pct) starts beginning of week 12, that's only a 1 week break. You need 2 weeks minimum, 15-18 days is ideal for Test E. Nolva for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/20 is good, but you need to add clomid at 50mg ED for the full 4 weeks.

I think Quads/thighs are the easiest to inject. Look at an IM injection chart to see where to pin. I usually go high and to the outside. Don't just aim for a big muscle, some ares have more veins/nerves in them. Look at a diagram. I usually pull about 0.1-0.2ml of air into the syringe to make sure I push all of the oil out, otherwise you'll loose about 0.1ml to needle volume on every pin. Air in an IV injection is bad, in an IM, a little is nothing to worry about. Always order more than you need. Assume you will drop something, break something, contaminate something, what ever. Never assume you'll get 100% usage out of your gear.
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Thanks Rumpy, really appreciate the input. I actually have that liver protection, just forget to add it to the list of 'heavies'. I meant every three days but as it's my first proper cycle 2x a week at 250 would probably be more sensible then.

The reason i didn't include armidex is because I couldn't get that from the source. I'm sure I can find it somewhere Could I just drop the dbol, or would the adex still be necessary for a test e only cycle? I've already purchased the proviron (was worried about libido issues) and have a spare bit of cash so may aswell use it now I guess.

Okay i'll do a bit of research on the HCG. and is clomid 100% necessary? Alot of information that i've looked at on a cycle of this kind suggest nolva is sufficient, but i'm all for learning! thanks again
Thanks Rumpy, really appreciate the input. I actually have that liver protection, just forget to add it to the list of 'heavies'. I meant every three days but as it's my first proper cycle 2x a week at 250 would probably be more sensible then.

The reason i didn't include armidex is because I couldn't get that from the source. I'm sure I can find it somewhere Could I just drop the dbol, or would the adex still be necessary for a test e only cycle? I've already purchased the proviron (was worried about libido issues) and have a spare bit of cash so may aswell use it now I guess.

Okay i'll do a bit of research on the HCG. and is clomid 100% necessary? Alot of information that i've looked at on a cycle of this kind suggest nolva is sufficient, but i'm all for learning! thanks again
The red lion at the top of your screen has liquidex for all your testing needs. ;) You definitely need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with ANY aromatizable compound, which testosterone and dbol most certainly are. I am a fan of proviron personally, as it not only increases your free testosterone, but makes your penis into a jackhammer in my experience. It's relatively cheap and works nicely with testosterone.

I second the Captn's suggestion on the clomid. Nolva and clomid both work in different ways, and are both beneficial to the recovery of your natural production. This is key as the longer you are shut down after you stop your cycle, the less likely you are to keep more of your gains.

My .02c :)
Sorry wondered off for a bit. Looks like you're gotten all your answers, but . . .

I'm going to error on the aggressive side and say go with the 250mg E3D schedule, but that's just me, do what you're comfortable with.

As said, Yes, I would consider Clomid necessary.

Don't get me wrong on the Proviron. I use it, so if you already have it, definitely use it. My point was just if it came down to a bunch of Prov or another vial of test, you'd see way more gains from the test.

You will NOT have to worry about libido issues on a test only cycle.

Oh, you can use adex or aromasin for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), whatever you can find, both are good. Like Halfwit said, RUI if you cannot find it any where else.
Okay guys, thanks for the answers, i'll deffs add an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and clomid then.
Last quick question as far as injecting itself goes, can you guys point me in the right direction of equipment to use, needle sizes etc? Preferably what you guys are experienced with!
18g 1 for drawing, 25g 1 for pinning, unless you plan on doing glutes and have a lot of junk in the trunk. In that case, I'd also pick up some 25g 1.5's. (g = gauge, bigger number means smaller diameter/ 1 = 1" needle length) and youtube have good information on proper site locations and procedure. There are a ton of threads on here with how to pin properly, so I'll leave that to you at your leisure. ;)
But still be sure to read through the stickys regarding on cycle supplements, first cycles, and pct...
Will answer all the questions that might not.have been covered here
Best of luck bro
I draw with a 20 X 1 and pin with a 25 X 1-1/2. You should ba able to find 3cc syringes that come with the draw needle attached, then just order your pin needles separately. This way you only have to change the needle once. Alcohol wipes are cheap, so get a lot of them. You'll need to wipe the tops of the vials every time before you draw, and of course you need to swab you skin, so it's good to have lots of them on hand.
Bump on this, are both clomid and nolva necessary if i drop the dbol? and just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the test e
That is nolva VS CLOMID and suggests that you only need to run nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) "Another reason why I promote the use of Nolvadex over Clomid post-cycle (as
if being 3-4 times stronger and having more of a direct effect on restoring
natural test wasn***8217;t enough) is because it***8217;s a lot safer. Not just because it
improves lipid profiles, but also because it simply doesn***8217;t have the intrinsic
side-effects that Clomid has. Clomid causes more acne for sure, but that***8217;s mainly
because you need to use a 3-4 times higher dose. But Clomid seems to also affect
the eyesight. Long-term Clomid therapy causes irreversible changes in eyesight3
in users. Irreversible. For me that alone is reason enough to prefer Nolvadex."
Read the end "stacking and use"

"For Clomid and Nolvadex,
doses are usually tapered down. Its best to start with 40-50 mg of Nolvadex
or 150 mg of Clomid for the first week or the first two weeks, and then finish
the program with 20-25 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid for an additional
two weeks.

Dosage is off, the article is from 2009.
Then there's this: cycle therapy (pct)-s.html

This, from the "massive newbie info" sticky (which you've already read of course):

Post Cycle Therapy (post cycle therapy (pct)):
An anti-estrogen is needed upon the completion of your cycle for sure. With all that free floating estrogen you need to prevent the estrogen from attaching to your receptors and causing their damage. The wrath of estrogen in the aftermath of a cycle is referred to a back lashing of estrogen.
You also need something to help stimulate your HPTA. Something needs to be done about your own testosterone production to combat catabolism, to restore libido and avoid depression.
A very successful compound to stimulate the HPTA is clomid. clomid stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropin so that a faster and higher release of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) occurs. This results in an elevated endogenous (body's own) testosterone level. Sorry I threw some mighty big words out there.
A good post cycle therapy (pct) combo is Nolvadex and clomid. Nolvadex is an anti-estrogen.

Learn to use the search feature.
Thankyou. Was just enquiring as to whether both were necessary for a tame test-e only cycle.
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Okay guys, i'm going to start my cycle tomorrow. Got all the necessaries including clomid but I've decided not to use the dbol for this cycle. Is the adex still necessary to run at 1/2mg or is a lower dose suitable with just the test and when should i start running the adex, straight away and when do i discontinue use of the ai?
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