My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz


New member
Okay, Im 21 5"10 about 165pounds 15% bf.
P.s My hair is a major issue as i do suffer with mpb however My hair is longish and thick so no problem atm but I dont want it to get worse.

Okay so I was going to run test enth at 400mg a week for 10 weeks, I was wondering is that enough and if I was to take it to 500mg would that be alot worse on my hair. Along with 50mg of var ed.
I will most likely be using minoxidil and possibly propecia just during my cycle to stop the dht effects on my hair.
Im a hard gainer been training on and off for 5 years current time in the gym is about 7 months 5 times a week. I eat about 2.5-3k calories a day mostly protein based foods. I find it hard to put on any weight whilst doing any kind of training so I thought pinning is my best option. Id like to get leaner thus the use of var.

Any input would be great. Thanks.
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You're too young for gear. Train naturally for at least 4 more years. Your life needs to be eat, lift, and sleep. At 165lbs your bf should be lower than 15%. Keep researching im the time being so when the time comes you'll be ready to start a proper cycle.
my bf is an estimate i only old weight on my lower back I suppose it probably lower than 15 . I dont really see the point of waiting my diet is good my training is good and I want to use steroids for the reason everyone else uses them , to get bigger faster. And I know most people will agree with you but most people nowadays start alot younger, not that im justifying it but I know people who start takin gear when they first start training and they get good results.
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Bro your pretty light..
But if your going to do it anyway.
Stick to the 400 thats plenty.
Hope you have post cycle therapy (pct) lined up?
I understand you wanna get biger but if you can't gain weight with out gear you won't be able to gain with gear. Everything about working out and lifting is diet dependant.
Well I thought test would be the way forward if I cant put the weihht on naturally. I can put on weight if I deload but once I start training is when I struggle my diet is heavily protein based so if I could improve my protein synthesis Im sure I could gain the weight?
Ive run anavar only with good results my bf dropped to 10% ish and went up to about 170 I think its because it helped my body make better use of my protein intake.
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IvIve deloaded the last week and ive put on abit of bf my weight mesurement was taken before deload. I know most people my age take it as a quick fix even if their training and diet is shit but Im pretty serious about both diet and trainin and Ive done my research on most compounds. 400mg seems to be advisable for a first cycle right? So I can judge whether or not I need more for a next cycle or whether next time I should up my calories even more. I wana use the experience as a basis to what Ill do in the future if I wana do another cycle.
Although I feel 21 is too young but it is solely your decision and 400 mgs for a first cycle is a great start and will help determine how your body reacts to test and give you knowledge towards future cycles. What are you using for an AI?
As far as using the cycle as a basis of whether to up calories next time is kinda off balance. First off you should know what your maintenance calories are and increment by 300-500 calories to grow, as you gain mass you should be recalculating your maintenance and increasing again every few weeks. During a 10 week cycle your gonna probably up your calories 3-4 times, you don't stay at the same caloric intake throughout the cycle if you wanna grow. You say your eating 2.5 - 3 k cals a day but what are your macros are you using the 40/40/20 if not I'd give that a try.
Well I thought test would be the way forward if I cant put the weihht on naturally. I can put on weight if I deload but once I start training is when I struggle my diet is heavily protein based so if I could improve my protein synthesis Im sure I could gain the weight?
Ive run anavar only with good results my bf dropped to 10% ish and went up to about 170 I think its because it helped my body make better use of my protein intake.

Protein synthesis and gaining weight are two separate functions. Basing your diet "heavily" on protein is a mistake depending on how much you're getting. What you need help with now is diet and training.
thanks for the input, I only really count my carbs and protein i try to get 200-250g of both a day maybe abit more protein thats excluding shakes. When I say I want to put on weight my diet is so protein based because I want to gain lean weight so Im constantly growing rather than bulking and cutting maybe I could up my carbs if I was using test and var if that would help?. I seem to only hold any weight in my mid swction (visible weight) and it takes minths for me to make any noticible weight loss in that area Thats why Id rather gain lean weight and thats probably why im only 170ish pounds. But for tge purpose of making the most of a cycle if upping my carbs will improve the outcome then by god thats what Ill do. I figured balancing protein and carbs was the best way to do it? and when I was on var I felt all my protein intake was helping me alot more with recovery and strength and muscle growth far more than it would if i wasnt eating as much protein.
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If you're trying to gain why would you want to use var? Var helps to lean people out and you do not need to be leaning out or recomping you need to bulk regardless of what you say. I still don't think you should cycle, but you're going to do whatever you want.
I run var because I wanted more intense workouts and i was going on holidays and i read it was a good first oral cycle. And I did put abit of size on lost bf and maintained my weight maybe slight increase in weight.