My first steroid cycle. Advice would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Hello everyone, long time lurker in this forums, finally decided to give it a go and see the results for myself. Did a lot of research and just have some stuff I would like you veteran bros to help out a beginner like me. so thanks so much for the advice in advance.

So for my first cycle i'm thinking of running a very simple TEST-CYP only cycle.
weeks 1-10 Test Cyp at 400mgs weekly
weeks 11-12 take nothing period(waiting for hormones to leave the system)
weeks 13-15 Clomid or Novaldex.(I can get both, please tell me which one is better. Note: less pill I need to take, the better for me.)

How is that looking? do you have advice anything else. please anything that you might think its useful just tell me, trust me I want to know.

Here is where I have my doubts. If you see weeks 1-10 I did not include a AI(aromatase inhibitor). Is this wrong? should I include them in? at which doses? whats the best AI? Arimidex? Could you tell me other options for AI in case I can't get any arimidex( don't worry, I will 100% get all I need before I start my first cycle, I know this is extremely important). Should I take AI ONLY when symptoms arrive or just take them as a preventive measure.what dosages? This is very important. I would really like this answered.

Is a 8-10 week cycle of TEST long enough? I really cant do more than that for traveling reasons.

While I know the optimal weekly weight gain for natural bodybuilders in a bulk(300 grams per week). Is this different for enhanced bodybuilders in my case only using TEST? Should I still aim for 300 grams(0.6 pounds) a week weight gain or I can go much higher than that. Keep in mind that I calculate macros to the last digit and I don't ever miss my macros so I can optimize my weight gain per week fairly easy. it's just about whats optimal in my case.

Also forgot to ask for the correct dosing on Clomid and/or Nolva. Clomid 50mg everyday? Nolva 20mg everyday?
Also Arimidex dosing.

I think thats all for now, I cant think of anything else. please feel free to add anything you feel is important. Like I said, i'm a complete beginner in regards to AS.

Some may want my stats so 6ft, 180lbs, 12% bodyfat(estimate). 1.5 years training experience.

Thank you so much for reading. If you could just use some of your time to help me out a little bit I would be so grateful.
Have a nice day everyone.
I don't think you need to cycle yet. You have only been lifting for 1.5 years and only weight 180 pounds. You should be able to make huge gains Natty still.

How old are you?
Im 24. While I agree with your statement to a certain extent. I personally would like to experiece what its like to be on gear and attain my desirable physique in less time than if i was to be natural. Maybe I will do only 1 cycle and thatll be it, maybe ill do more or maybe ill stop mid cycle do to sides. Who knows, i have to try it out
you dont "HAVE TO" try it out. and whole "ill do 1 cycle" thing hardly ever last. it typically turns into "1 more for winter/summer" and so on. as Mega said...1.5yrs isnt too much. but 12 wks on Test E should be a good starting point rather than an 8-10cycle. and dont chance the "if I dont get sides" for determining if you get an AI..always have that on hand regardless.
You should at least wait until you are 25 years old. Your brain / endocrine system are still developing. You can really mess them up running a cycle now. You don't have to search too hard in the forums to find countless guys who have really messed themselves up by not waiting.

And you really need to understand if that you can't put on weigh now, you will not be able to do it while running a cycle. You need to learn how to eat and grow first. You should be able t get up to 200 pounds easy without the help of AAS if you are committed. You would be much better off taking your money and hiring a diet coach.
i agree that he should put another year in natty.. he could use another 15lbs of muscle or so before cycling..

but i will commend him on the research he has done up till now.. fairly well put together.

as for your 300g protein question.. youre missing the whole point.. there are 3 macros. protein, carbs, and fats.. you have to have all of them right.. not just the 300g protein..

youre a typical lifter.. your nutrition is lacking.. thats your main issue..

without the proper nutrition on cycle you wont meet your goals.. its like sitting in a ferrari with no gas in the tank.. sure it feels good to be in there.. but you're never going to get anywhere..

have you thought about checking out my free diet advice thread?? a free critique can go a long way..

or if you want a professional to set up your services email me at

here are some before and afters of my work
I did not say anything about protein in my post. 300 grams was the amount of weight gain per week to maximize muscle gain with the least fat gain as a natural bodybuilder. I want to go higher than .6/week but I know for a fact that If i go higher than that the additional weight gain will most likely be fat along with very little muscle. I certainly can put weight, but i'm not interested in the very least to look like a powerlifter(strong but fat). my goal is aesthetics. at .6 lbs per week weight gain, it's going to take me a while to get where I want to be.

Trust me when I say this, both my training and Diet are on point. I do this very seriously and I just wanted to get to my goal quicker to be honest. Honestly I don't think I should have posted my stats, I really just wanted advice on the gear and i've got none at the moment.

But thanks anyways. all your advice is being taken into consideration.
I agree with the above posters, and tbonext gave you a link showing you the safest first cycle. I was in your shoes a couple months back (had more training experience) but stats were pretty close. Honestly I think I jumped the gun too quickly since i wanted faster gains and should have just focused more on my diet. That being said, I would consider using Test E and not prop as your first cycle. Even just pinning twice a week is tough enough when you're not used to needles. As for PCT I would suggest doing Clomid at 100/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/20/20/20. This is what i've been doing and it's working great. Use an AI, it's very important, either take Aromasin 12.5mg ED or Arimidex 0.5mg EOD. The dosage will have to vary, but with Aromasin i took 3mg ED for the first week or 2 and then upped the dose (It's all in my log). Diet wise, I would hire 3J to help you out, since not having a good diet will make your cycle go to waste.
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Thank you for your advice, did you not run HCG along with test? I keep seeing some people say HCG MUST be ran with any Test cycle. Also for PCT, you ran both Clomid and Nolva at the same time? I thought you only needed 1.
As for AI. thanks for clearing that out. Would you say arimidex 0.5mg Every other day will suffice.

All in all, still have not decided to gear up 100% but ya thanks.
Thank you for your advice, did you not run HCG along with test? I keep seeing some people say HCG MUST be ran with any Test cycle. Also for PCT, you ran both Clomid and Nolva at the same time? I thought you only needed 1.
As for AI. thanks for clearing that out. Would you say arimidex 0.5mg Every other day will suffice.

All in all, still have not decided to gear up 100% but ya thanks.

Honestly you should hold off on AAS for another year, it's not like they will disappear next year. No need to rush things! The questions you're asking are mostly answered here:

I didn't run HCG since it was my first cycle, and my testes are back to normal on week 2 of PCT. That being said, to be on safe side you should go ahead and run HCG (I will definitely run it for my future cycles). Yes i meant Arimidex 0.5 EOD and not ED, was a typo! Yes both Clomid and Nolva, PCT is the most important part of the cycle, better have all your bases covered.
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Quesa: If guys don't think you are ready for a cycle because you at still young and not fully developed (brain/endocrine), you lack training experience, and you have not showed you can put on mass through proper training/diet they are not going to help you a lot with running a cycle. If they don't think it is advisable, you can't expect them to go ahead and do it. Just like you wouldn't expect us to help a 14 year old kid going through puberty and weighing 120 pounds -- no matter how much he begs us to help him get there faster.

We are giving you what we think is the best advice for you. You would be wise to heed it and spend another year training. I promise, we will be here to help you run a cycle when the time is right and we will help you get the most out of it.
Thank you craza. I will most likely not be in my current country next year where I got a connect with pharma grade stuff! I would have not even considered AS without it being a good reputable source so thats why. If im not here, I won't do any gear. I don't trust any other sources and its far too dangerous.
Im checking that thread out but this is just a doubt I have. Test takes approximately 4 weeks to come into full effect right? could you cut in the first 1-2 weeks to start leaner and then bulk up in the laters weeks 3 and on
Thank you craza. I will most likely not be in my current country next year where I got a connect with pharma grade stuff! I would have not even considered AS without it being a good reputable source so thats why. If im not here, I won't do any gear. I don't trust any other sources and its far too dangerous.
Im checking that thread out but this is just a doubt I have. Test takes approximately 4 weeks to come into full effect right? could you cut in the first 1-2 weeks to start leaner and then bulk up in the laters weeks 3 and on

So purchase it now and save it for later. If stored properly it lasts a long time.
You think I can bring it all into the US through customs? HCG is in powder form yeah?. so until I need it I can be stored safely?
There's no such thing as a 2 week cut. That's called starvation. Your either running a cut cycle or a bulk cycle.
Hey there, back again

So my lab tests just came back up(I did it cause I was curious) and turns out that my total Testosterone is 5.04 ng/ml as a 24 year old!
Do any of you had similar results at this age? I really think this number is very low for a 24. it should be in the high 6-8.
Should I worry about this and get an appointment with my MD?
Hey there, back again

So my lab tests just came back up(I did it cause I was curious) and turns out that my total Testosterone is 5.04 ng/ml as a 24 year old!
Do any of you had similar results at this age? I really think this number is very low for a 24. it should be in the high 6-8.
Should I worry about this and get an appointment with my MD?

Average total testosterone for a 24 year old is about 600. You are fine. Maybe you just need to eat better, get more/better sleep and exercise.