My First Test Cycle


New member
Hey Guys,
I just signed up today so I am quite new at this but I recently just finished my first Test Sustanon (sust) cycle, and figured why not activate my account and get some professional feedback from you guys so please let me know how I did.
So basically:

Weeks 1-6: Sustanon (sust) only 500/week
Weeks 6-8: Sustanon (sust) only 750/week
Weeks 8-10:Sust only 500/week

I started at 167 and ended at 191 and was extremely happy with my gains. Its the PCT that scared me...
I waited about a week after my last shot and this is how it went:

Weeks 1-3 pct:
100 mg clomid (ed)
40 mg Nolva first week (ed)
20 mg Nolva Last 2 weeks (ed)
Proviron (not sure the dosage) (ed)
Creatine monohydrate ( 5 grams ed)
And I did have some hcg but I dropped it like an idiot and lost it after the second shot but I was at least able to get 2 units twice.

So far I am on the 3rd week of pct and I have lost 6 lbs (which is awesome because I thought I was gonna lose a lot more). Overall I was pretty stoked but now I hear that I should have started my pct 21 days after last shot. So now I'm nervous I'm still going to lose more after this 3rd week due to improper pct usage?

Anyways please feel free to write some feedback good and bad because it will teach me what not to do on my next cycle. Thanks guys!
Ok so it makes no sense to do that much Sustanon (sust) like that especially for a beginner. If your gonna do it, you should alternate between 2 diff tests. like mon fri Sustanon (sust) and wed cyp.. just an eg. And 1cc will safice of each shot.. so should be like 500 mg of sust. and 200 mg of cyp.. When you go post cycle therapy (pct). Dont start right away bc your body is very anabolic.. Wait a lil bit then start with the hcg than run clomid, but not together. Unless you have high aromitaze noladex is not necssary. I checked to get my stuff.. They semed to be very reliable in sending it.. recieved my order fairly fast. And stuff was strong. I been comepting for sometime now and been around the block
Do not listen to this jerk off
your a spamming idiot:squintfin
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Ok so it makes no sense to do that much Sustanon (sust) like that especially for a beginner. If your gonna do it, you should alternate between 2 diff tests. like mon fri Sustanon (sust) and wed cyp.. just an eg. And 1cc will safice of each shot.. so should be like 500 mg of sust. and 200 mg of cyp.. When you go post cycle therapy (pct). Dont start right away bc your body is very anabolic.. Wait a lil bit then start with the hcg than run clomid, but not together. Unless you have high aromitaze noladex is not necssary. I checked out xxxxxxxxxto get my stuff.. They semed to be very reliable in sending it.. recieved my order fairly fast. And stuff was strong. I been comepting for sometime now and been around the block
Do you even no what Sustanon (sust) is dickface don't post this kind of dumb shit
To newbs:liar:
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Ok so it makes no sense to do that much Sustanon (sust) like that especially for a beginner. If your gonna do it, you should alternate between 2 diff tests. like mon fri Sustanon (sust) and wed cyp.. just an eg. And 1cc will safice of each shot.. so should be like 500 mg of sust. and 200 mg of cyp.. When you go post cycle therapy (pct). Dont start right away bc your body is very anabolic.. Wait a lil bit then start with the hcg than run clomid, but not together. Unless you have high aromitaze noladex is not necssary. I checked out xxxxxxxxxxto get my stuff.. They semed to be very reliable in sending it.. recieved my order fairly fast. And stuff was strong. I been comepting for sometime now and been around the block

You're a jerkoff, seriously why would you even suggest that? Obviously just spamming... Hope you get the BanHammer idiot!
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Rawsaw !!!

Ok so it makes no sense to do that much Sustanon (sust) like that especially for a beginner. If your gonna do it, you should alternate between 2 diff tests. like mon fri Sustanon (sust) and wed cyp.. just an eg. And 1cc will safice of each shot.. so should be like 500 mg of sust. and 200 mg of cyp.. When you go post cycle therapy (pct). Dont start right away bc your body is very anabolic.. Wait a lil bit then start with the hcg than run clomid, but not together. Unless you have high aromitaze noladex is not necssary. I checked out xxxxxxxxxxxto get my stuff.. They semed to be very reliable in sending it.. recieved my order fairly fast. And stuff was strong. I been comepting for sometime now and been around the block.... look at this !!!! sus has test in it.
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Thanks for the feedback guys and I could be wrong but doesnt Sustanon (sust) have cyp in it? I know it has a few esters just not quite sure which ones. But I am on my 3rd week post cycle therapy (pct) so not much I can change now =/. I was just seeing how well I did for a first time and if my post cycle therapy (pct) was too off because thats where I got confused. Oh, and I am 22
And thanks "what to do" for your feedback! I tried messaging back my account doesnt let me do anything for some reason.

do NOT quote any thread that you consider spam . its bad enough that i have to trace spammers all over the freaking board but then your numbnuts quote the spam and i have to spend more time editing the spam out of your quotes .

as info most members here who get accidently banned are due to quoting spam , so QUIT IT.