my fist cycle


New member
I have decided that I am going to start my first cycle in about 4 or 5 months, i have been training for 3 years now and have lost a lot of weight and then gained some more within that time. i went from 235 to 165 and then decided to bulk and hit 215 and now i am currently at 197 not sure what my bf is but im guessing it is close to 20% due to me adding jack in the box and in n out to my diet (i got tired of getting asked if i lift so i just pounded food down). i am currently on a cut and plan to get down to 10-12 bf before i begin my cycle.
age 22
height 5'10
weight 197
bf is around 20%

i train 5x a week
mon chest and tris
tues back and bis
wed off
thurs chest and tris
fri legs
sat back and shoulders
sunday off
i know most people are against working out a muscle twice a week but so far it has worked for me

my diet is very clean and plan to keep it that way when i begin my cycle i dont really want to add fat after i cut.
1 1/2 cups of egg whites, some fruit, and 2 tbsp of peanut butter
6 oz chicken breast, 168 grams of brown rice, green beans
6 oz ground beef, 168 grams of brown rice, broccoli
1 wheat tortilla or 42grams of brown rice, spinach, 2 packages of tuna, avocado
2-3 whey protein shakes 2 scoops each shake
im going to go 200-300 calories above maintenance, i want to add 10-15 ibs with the least amount of fat possible.

12 week cycle of testosterone e at 500 mg a week split up into 2 dosages
pct 2 weeks after last pin
clomed 50/50/50/50 or 100/100/50/50 i am not sure which one
i also have nolvadex on hand in case of any unwanted side effects, should i run this with the clomed? i have read so many mixed things. and should i get a ai?
i appreciate any help i can get
I would recommend nolva alongside the clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). Yes an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be a good idea. Arimidex or aromasin. It will help control estrogen. Good idea on cutting bf% before beginning