My Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was just source shut down


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My HRT was just source shut down

I've been getting GH and Test from for about 7-8 mos. It looks like they got closed for good as of the end of June. In doing a search on the boards for a replacment clinic I see Signature Pharmacy in Orlando. I also got a call from Medical Arts Therapy in FL after Powermedica got raided. Anyone know of any other suggested legit clinics? I was getting getting my GH for $x/iu which seems really cheap for what I thought was legit source.
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Sure enough:

Deerfield Beach

Health officials suspend online pharmacy's license

The Florida Department of Health has suspended the license of a Deerfield Beach online pharmacy that was raided in February on allegations it was illegally selling steroids and growth hormones without prescriptions.

The emergency suspension, issued this week and posted on the department's Web site, prohibits PowerMedica from selling medications. Company Chief Executive Dan Dailey declined to comment.

In court papers, federal agents said they began investigating PowerMedica after they were able to buy medications without seeing a doctor.

Calling those clinics legitimate sources is a bit of a stretch at best. Are you interested in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or AAS?
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I'm getting excellent results on GH and a maintenance dose of Test E every week. I'm 39 and am good to go on size so I'm mainly interested in the extra boost I'm getting from my program. My sex drive and general athletic endurance has gone way up on 2 iu/gh a day and 100-200 mg of test E /week. I've been a solid 230 for 10 years until I started GH. I've pushed to a solid 240 almost effortlessly. I'm looking to keep the good thing I've got going on. Not sure if this is too much of a source question. I'm willing to pay for the convenience of just calling in an order. Hopefully all these quasi legal internet pharms dont go away. I want to find a solid company to go forward with as now I've got to go thru the expense of doing the blood work all over again.
If you are satisfied with maintaining your serum testosterone in the upper 1/4 of the 'normal' range (usually 100mg/week of testosterone cypionate), then you could go see SWALE in East Lansing, MI. He is a legitimate (perhaps the best) Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) physician and he is usually willing to prescribe GH. Once you get a physical exam from him, he can do all the rest over the Internet. The biggest expense is the labs. If you can get your inusrance to pay for that, then that helps a ton. I know this isn't the most convenient thing, having to make one trip out, but it might be your best long term option. Many states have already enacted laws that physicians are not allowed to prescribe medications without every giving the patient a physical exam.
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i dont see why you;d wanna go with some clinic. there is more then enough legit domestic sources for GH. you can also buy direct from gensci. they sell 5 100iu kits for 1500 with insurance shipping. thats 3 dollars an iu. but i have seen jin for 1,5-2$.
slava said:
i dont see why you;d wanna go with some clinic. there is more then enough legit domestic sources for GH. you can also buy direct from gensci. they sell 5 100iu kits for 1500 with insurance shipping. thats 3 dollars an iu. but i have seen jin for 1,5-2$.

I would get GH from a doc if i had the oppurtunity, you have no clue how the GH has been handled when you get it from a source.
Ya I got Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) also thru an online Doc. I ran test c, 300mg for 10 weeks. I know I paid more but I was thinking it was kinda legal. They are now offering me Anavar at $8 for a 10 mg pill. I think I will stick with the test c. I would like to go with some of these online pharm. but I am thinking I will get ripped off.
thunderdman said:
Ya I got Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) also thru an online Doc. I ran test c, 300mg for 10 weeks.
That isn't Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). That's an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle.
thunderdman said:
I know I paid more but I was thinking it was kinda legal. They are now offering me Anavar at $[CENSORED] for a 10 mg pill.
No pricing discussions, but yeah, forget about the Anavar unless you have a wasting disease or something.
thunderdman said:
I think I will stick with the test c. I would like to go with some of these online pharm. but I am thinking I will get ripped off.
If you think you are doing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with the purpose of improving your overall health, the please realize that you aren't. If you are intentionally doing AAS, then fine.
I know I am not doing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for overall health. I just want to get bigger and stronger. So it is to be healthy. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was a semi legal way to do steroids. Why do you say forget about the Anavar?
thunderdman said:
I know I am not doing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for overall health. I just want to get bigger and stronger.
Fine, but then you are talking about an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) only maintains serum testosterone in the normal range.
thunderdman said:
So it is to be healthy.
Being 'bigger and stronger' does not equate to being more healthy. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles don't improve your health.
thunderdman said:
HRT was a semi legal way to do steroids.
Except it wasn't Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but I understand what you mean.
thunderdman said:
Why do you say forget about the Anavar?
Oxandrin (oxandrolone), once sold as Anavar, is riduculously expensive for the benefit. It was MUCH cheaper when it was available as Anavar. Anyway, consider a dosage of only 40mg/day for 1 month. Pretty damn expensive when you do the math. If you have the money, then fine, but test is best anyway.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I wiil just stick to Test Cyp. Can you give me some feedback on front loading Test. Cyp? I finished a ten week cycle of 300 mg once a week. I want to increase to 400 to 500 mg per week for another ten weeks. Two questions 1) should I do two shots a week- sun/wend? 2) should I front load, like with two shots of 400mg for the first week, or first two weeks?

FYI My stats

31 yrs old
15 years of lifting experence
5'9" 200lbs with 7% body fat
One previous test cyp cycle 300mg per week for 10 weeks
Weight train 4-5 times a week/cardio 3-4 times a week
200 grams of protien a day?
Did I miss anything?

Any help would be great. Thanks
Have you been doing proper post cycle therapy (pct) after each cycle? post cycle therapy (pct) should start 2 weeks after your last injection of the testosterone cypionate and end 3-4 weeks later. Time off should be at least as long as time on unless you can show that you are fully recovered with a blood test. Time on starts with day 1 of your cycle and ends with the last day of post cycle therapy (pct).

400-500mg/week of testosterone cypionate is resonable. Do the injections twice/week. Don't bother frontloading unless you really want to do it. Front-loading doesn't seem to give that benefit that it should on paper.
Ya I have the post cycle therapy (pct) down. The online Doc helped me out with that.

Thanks for taking your time to answer my questions. I am new and just want to do it right.