My little diary (hopefully this will help somebody just starting out) Test-E


New member
I did my first pin 4 weeks ago, test-e for 1mg (running test-e 300 twice a week).

I went for my quad, the first one was the easiest thing I have (lower quad) ever done but my brother was on Skype talking me though it... the second one I did (upper quad) alone and forgot a couple of things... firstly forgot push out a bit of oil to lube the needle, then I went in and hit something (not a problem - paint doesn't rattle me, I just came back out). Then went back in and forgot the bloody aspirate, then half way down the injection I started to get hot and dizzy and ears dulled out.... quickly slammed the rest of the oil and whipped the needle out and passed out on my bed lol.

It really put me off and I was about to jack it in, was really anxious about everything for days (I felt my heart was racing all the time and needed a sleeping aid at nights). Anyway I decided to carry on and every pin since that has been spot on. I find doing it in my lower quad (a hands length above my knee) always misses any veins/nerves and I just lie back on my bed and chill doing it. Actually look forward to pin days now! The post soreness had me hobbling around for the first couple of days but I find it ok now, I rotate between each leg once a week and hit roughly the same site give or take an inch.

For anybody looking at there first cycle, let me just quickly point out some things that have been essential to me so far:

1. Knowledge - Don't start any cycle until you have thoroughly read all the sickies on this website and asked about anything you was unsure of. Build your knowledge on these forums from people that actually care to help you, my advice off people in the gym has been shocking!!! "Yeah just do an Anavar only cycle for your first one"

2. Prepare your cycle and have it checked by the experienced members here. I spent a week just sorting out everything I would need and be taking on a daily basis.

3. Buy all your gear in advance, including your post cycle therapy (pct). This will give you peace of mind that you have everything on hand.

4. Sort out your diet. If you need help use the diet forum.

5. Relax about the whole thing, people have been doing it for years - sponge there experience and remember... its not going to kill you so be chilled about the whole thing and enjoy it!! (Really personal experience)

6. This may not work for you, but I have been open and honest about what I am doing to everyone around me. My boss knows, my parents know, my friends know and anybody that asks me about it I am straight honest about it. People aren't educated about steroids, I was one of them before I came here and people find it refreshing to see a normal guy doing them and giving feedback... everyone I have spoken to thought "roid rage" would have taken over me, and the truth is its just a load of crap! I have never felt so great about my wellbeing.... You may choose to keep your cycle masked from those close to you, but I have personally found everyone has been very supportive - especially my boss. He's letting my split my lunch hour up into 3 x 20m breaks so I can have frequent meals (to save the hunger bug) and he is always having a laugh with me about my "small balls". The support and jokes about it all keep me sane and happy.

p.s. they really kicked in for me at the end of week 3, I remember it well it was the 3rd Saturday morning . I went from doing previously 30kg flat DB presses for 6 (fail) up to: 30k x 12 > 32k x10 > 35k x 8 > 37.5k x 3 - I actually had an empty gym and it felt so great to be smashing PBs I recorded it (might post the video at some point!)

Last night was my second chest workout since they kicked in and I hit 40k for 6 strong although slightly shaky reps (unspotted). My brother doesn't believe that I have jumped up so fast but its true I never lie about my weights.

One thing I would advise anybody knew is that be careful when they kick in, I made the same mistake as my brother on his first cycle and that my muscles can now handle more load than my joints can and I have hurt my shoulder following those 40s (hopefully nothing serious just a day or two rest!)

In 4 weeks I have put on 18lbs of weight - my diet has been 100% clean, mostly chicken and rice and a light sauce (to make it palatable) and then a tuna mayo sandwich on protein break (30g protein per two slices!). I am putting the huge weight gain down to creatine/water retention and have cut the creatine out now (was getting worried I was putting too much weight on). I have been monitoring my body fat almost daily as I am paranoid and it isn't going up at all.

I know its a big read above but I just wanted to put my experiences down in writing - if it helps nobody else I will come back and read it one day! I took a lot out of these forums before I started and wanted to put something bacn in.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far and keep healthy and strong!

Hey mate nice thread and post. Just a few things. Firstly, why such a low dose of testosterone enanthate? Sure you will still see gains, but nothing like 500MG a week of test enanthate. Secondly, do you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and a good PCT protocol to finish post cycle? Thirdly, do you know why you passed out? I keep hearing of a few people passing out and it's really, really putting me off pinning.

Also, be really careful when putting up the weight. Sure it would feel good smashing PB's and going up in weight every week, but be careful. Going up too much is exactly how injuries happen and you can't train for months. Always just be careful. Make sure you can at least push out five reps for an exercise. Only really go up in weight once you can do an exercise for 6-8 reps, with perfect form and the range of motion is good. I'd also like to say that I find it hard to believe you've gone up about 7-8KG in four weeks of test enanthate, especially at such a conservative dose. It usually doesn't kick in until weeks 4-6, and even then it's doubtful for someone to have made over 3-4KG of gains by then. It just doesn't seem right to me mate.
Hi buddy, sorry I could have typed it better. I am running 600MG a week of test-e :)

Yeah I am using 0.25 (quarter pill) of Arimidex every other day and I will be running the standard clomid/nolva PCT setup on these forums. I honestly think I just got stressed during that pin where I passed out! My dad was walking up the stairs and I had left my bedroom door open (he did know I was doing it) but I think a combination of things just went wrong - pretty sure I didn't inject into a vein (apparently you get the same symptoms but you feel like your coughing up liquid metal) - which I didn't get.

Your absolutely spot on about the weights, I am going to train much smarter after the shoulder has healed and bring the weights down. It was such an easy ego boost I made a mistake there!

I thought the same as well about the weight, it was crazy. It was mostly in the first 3 weeks where I gained all that weight (as you said before the test kicked in). I had gone from a very low fat - 3 meals a day diet up to 8 meals and 2grams of protein per lb of body weight. I know its an insane amount of weight, but I am pretty sure its water retention from taking creatine? That or the scales are bust! Anyway the weight seems to have settled down and this week it looks like I have only put 1.5 lbs on (I cut the creatine out last week as I was getting worried about the weight gain)

Don't let me experience put you off pinning, it was only a one off bad one and if your heads in the right place and your chilled out it will go fine!