My next cycle Test E Tren E Halotestin


New member
400mg of Test E
500mg Tren E
Halotestin 50mg ED (weeks 1-4)

Arimadex .25mg EOD
Caber .5mg EOD

Running it this cycle for 16 weeks. PCT will be clomid and nolva

28 yr
Weight 160 I used to be 190 but lost a lot of muscle due to my job, but able to start lifting again
5 cycles complete.
Lifting 6 days a week currently
Hey brother, how long are you going to dose the test and tren? your going to run tren for 16 weeks?
4 months is a long time on tren and your doses are pretty big too bro.

Planning on doing any blood work to follow up how your liver is doing ?
4 months is a long time on tren and your doses are pretty big too bro.

Planning on doing any blood work to follow up how your liver is doing ?

Hey man this ^^^^ as well as it's nice you gave a few stats but we would like to see them all if you will.
do you know your BF% ? As said that's a long time to be on Tren IMOP. But I myself do not have that much experience with Tren as I found I cannot tolerate it after two cycles.

I also do not understand why you are plugging in the Halotestin in the beginning of your cycle. IT is such a harsh compound , hard on your liver and the benefits at the beginning escape me.

IT will give good strength gains but if you just want a kicker for your Ten why not plug in Tren Ace... Just a Question here because IMOP why stress your liver if not for some other benefit ?

SO please give us your stats so we might talk more :wavey: Good luck !

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BF 10%
And yes I just want to get my strength back up there that’s why I wanted to throw in halo, I was up in the air between that and anavar. I would plug Tren Ace but I don’t have the time to pin ED or even EOD atm. Maybe my next cycle I will be able to. But also I ran test p and Tren Ace last cycle and after like 6 weeks the pinning was becoming a nuisance. I prefer twice a week pins.
BF 10%
And yes I just want to get my strength back up there that***8217;s why I wanted to throw in halo, I was up in the air between that and anavar. I would plug Tren Ace but I don***8217;t have the time to pin ED or even EOD atm. Maybe my next cycle I will be able to. But also I ran test p and Tren Ace last cycle and after like 6 weeks the pinning was becoming a nuisance. I prefer twice a week pins.

Ok makes good sense to me. I realize the benefits in strength gains for a BB's in that overload is how we build mass. so for a means to the end it may be a good move. I like the idea !

Listen do you have a few pics to put up and then we can see your progress as you go ? IF you are interested.. many members like the logs. As you know since being here 2 years :)

Good Luck


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