My Promastren / Dbol cycle


New member
Will be starting this cycle February in hope to do a lean bulk, maintain, then cut for summer.

My Stats

Age: 26
Height: 5ft 8
Weight: 210lbs
Body Fat:12-14% (maybe less)
Training/cycle info: 8 years training, 2 cycles over the last 2 years

Cycle info

Promastren 150 - 2ml eod weeks 1-6
Dianabol - 30-50mg ed weeks 1-4
Test prop - 100mg eod weeks 6-8
Aromasin - 12.5mg ed weeks 1-8

Clomid - 100/100/50/50
Nolva - 20/20/20

Hoping to do a lean bulk to add a bit of size and strength to my frame. Relying on the tren and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromasin) to keep the water weight off the dbol down. Running prop alone for 1-2 weeks to ensure tren is out of system, hoping recovery will be slightly easier.

Any feedback will be not only welcomed, but greatly appreciated, also. I apologise for my poor sentence structure, long day in work, fatigued, to say the least.

Will also be keeping a log of this cycle. I was unable to find much feedback of combining these esters with dbol, so perhaps others will learn from my experience,
My Promastren/Dbol cycle

Will be starting this cycle February in hope to do a lean bulk, maintain, then cut for summer.

My Stats

Age: 26
Height: 5ft 8
Weight: 210lbs
Body Fat:12-14% (maybe less)
Training/cycle info: 8 years training, 2 cycles over the last 2 years

Cycle info

Promastren 150 - 2ml eod weeks 1-6
Dianabol - 30-50mg ed weeks 1-4
Test prop - 100mg eod weeks 6-8
Aromasin - 12.5mg ed weeks 1-8

Clomid - 100/100/50/50
Nolva - 20/20/20

Hoping to do a lean bulk to add a bit of size and strength to my frame. Relying on the tren and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromasin) to keep the water weight off the dbol down. Running prop alone for 1-2 weeks to ensure tren is out of system, hoping recovery will be slightly easier.

Any feedback will be not only welcomed, but greatly appreciated, also. I apologise for my poor sentence structure, long day in work, fatigued, to say the least.

Will also be keeping a log of this cycle. I was unable to find much feedback of combining these esters with dbol, so perhaps others will learn from my experience.

(Did post in 'my steroid cycle' section, but there seems to be more action here)