My review of Animal stack


SO far I love the combo of Animal Stack Pack (Vitamin pack) Anthe the Animal Stack 2 (Performance Optimizer). I feel the difference especially now that I'm working out at 530am. I don't get the sick dizzy feeling I use to when I did early morning workouts before and I don't get tired during my workout. On my off day when I took it all by itself about an 45min-hour later I had an increase sense of well being the rest of the day. I'm a supporter. Not this is not the only two supps I'm taking, far from it as a matter of fact. But I do find them usefull...Though I think the Vitamin pak could be substituted. But I like the single packages and where I bought them you get a decent discount if you buy them together.
i use to use the animal pac but i found beverly internationals super pack vitamins to be much better and less of them with larger dose of vitamins in lose the herbal mix and amino's but if your diet is on track you dont need the extra aminos anyways...i have no thoughts on the animal stck2 as i havent used it nor do i plan on it since they dropped all the good shit out of it (its all illegal now). but im glad its working well for you. tell us how your progress is on it and how your lifts improve.
Adidas...I'm taking the BI super pack also. It's the first vitamin pack i've taken. I was thinking about taking the Animal M stak at the same time. Any thoughts on that?
adidamps2 said:
i use to use the animal pac but i found beverly internationals super pack vitamins to be much better and less of them with larger dose of vitamins in lose the herbal mix and amino's but if your diet is on track you dont need the extra aminos anyways...i have no thoughts on the animal stck2 as i havent used it nor do i plan on it since they dropped all the good shit out of it (its all illegal now). but im glad its working well for you. tell us how your progress is on it and how your lifts improve.

I think youve got that backwards, if your diets in check you should get the extra vitamins.

Where did you buy them truck?
azboi said:
Adidas...I'm taking the BI super pack also. It's the first vitamin pack i've taken. I was thinking about taking the Animal M stak at the same time. Any thoughts on that?
i did the M stack before i use to give it responsiblity for all my gains till i reliezed it wasnt the M stack but the more than likely the amount of food i was eating while i took it. you can try it, but i wouldn't expect anything special.
aProtege said:
I think youve got that backwards, if your diets in check you should get the extra vitamins.

Where did you buy them truck?
what are you talking about??
i said if your diet is in check "you don't need all those extra amino's." and the aminos available in the animal pac aren't that great.
I took the animal pack vitamins a few yrs ago and didn't really gain anything. Of course i wasn't eating enough either. Now I figured out if I keep a close eye on my diet and keep my calories high I can save my $$ from the shit at GNC and buy more food w/it. DOn't get me wrong i still take whey protein, multi-vit. and glucosamine/msm/chondrotin, but thats about it. Thats just me though, everyone is diff.
joshbeam1 said:
I took the animal pack vitamins a few yrs ago and didn't really gain anything. Of course i wasn't eating enough either. Now I figured out if I keep a close eye on my diet and keep my calories high I can save my $$ from the shit at GNC and buy more food w/it. DOn't get me wrong i still take whey protein, multi-vit. and glucosamine/msm/chondrotin, but thats about it. Thats just me though, everyone is diff.
we are both doing hte same thing basic plus food can't go wrong.
I can't say it was responsible for packing on any mass, just more enegry and increase in libido. I'm still 270 but getting leaner than I was before. My diet is what does more for me than anything. I just like to find things that'll give me some energy. I got my stuff at I don't use the stack 2 anymore just wanted to use it to help me through the morn workouts which i'm done with now. I'm a firm believer in Acytal-L-Carinitine and tyrosine. it gives me a little boost plus if you do repeat sprints or what ever its going to let you go a little longer and harder.