Myths about Protein.....

solcraft said:
trust me, bieng white has little to do with aid..........

i'm not gonna argue over this, but here in california........being an ILLEGAL alien (immigrant) almost guarantees you free groceries, schooling, gas, healthcare, ect.

as a young white student that works part time, i have a very hard time getting financial aid and what not......i just know that when i check off "white" in the ethnicity box it puts me into a different bracket that makes me less likely to recieve aid
Myth #2:
You can only assimilate 30 grams of protein at one sitting.

Fact #2:
The body has the ability to digest and assimilate much more than 30 grams of protein from a single meal.

Speaking of high intakes of protein, people have been perpetuating the myth that you can only assimilate about 30 grams of protein at a time, making protein meals any greater than a 6 oz. chicken breast a waste. This is anything but true. For example, the digestibility of meat (i.e. beef, poultry, pork and fish) is about 97% efficient. If you eat 25 grams of beef, you will absorb into the blood stream 97% of the protein in that piece of meat.

If, on the other hand, you eat a 10 oz steak containing about 60 grams of protein, you will again digest and absorb 97% of the protein. If you could only assimilate 30 grams of protein at a time, why would researchers be using in excess of 40 grams of protein to stimulate muscle growth?1

Critics of high protein intakes may try to point out that increased protein intake only leads to increased protein oxidation. This is true, nevertheless, some researchers speculate that this increase in protein oxidation following high protein intakes may initiate something they call the "anabolic drive".13

The anabolic drive is characterized by hyperaminoacidemia, an increase in both protein synthesis and breakdown with an overall positive nitrogen balance. In animals, there is a correspondent increase in anabolic hormones such as IGF-1 and GH. Though this response is difficult to identify in humans, an increase in lean tissue accretion does occur with exaggerated protein intakes.14,15

The take home message is that, if you are going to maximize muscle growth you have to minimize muscle loss, and maximize protein synthesis. Research clearly shows this is accomplished with heavy training, adequate calories, and very importantly high protein consumption. This means that meals containing more than 30 grams of protein will be the norm. Not to worry, all that protein will certainly be used effectively by the body.
OC Cartel said:
i'm not gonna argue over this, but here in california........being an ILLEGAL alien (immigrant) almost guarantees you free groceries, schooling, gas, healthcare, ect.

as a young white student that works part time, i have a very hard time getting financial aid and what not......i just know that when i check off "white" in the ethnicity box it puts me into a different bracket that makes me less likely to recieve aid
bro i feel you. i live in the bay area, northern california, and i see it every day.& i'm mixed-half white ,half black, so i get it from both sides. i always check "OTHER" on thoes questioneres. think about this though, in the begining we all came from africa, so techincaly we're all of african decent. next time check a diffrent box see what
Antigua said:
Myth #2:
You can only assimilate 30 grams of protein at one sitting.

Fact #2:
The body has the ability to digest and assimilate much more than 30 grams of protein from a single meal.

like a said before, i find it impossible to believe that i am limited to absorb the same ammount of protein as an eighty year old woman.
Myth #3:
Protein must be rapidly digested to build muscle.

Fact #3:
Both rapidly and slowly digested proteins offer significant benefits to athletes.

Recent research has brought up the notion of "fast" and "slow" proteins.11 They are designated as such according to the rate at which they raise blood levels of amino acids after they are consumed. Whey protein for example is considered a fast protein and causes a rapid increase in amino acid levels. Casein on the other hand is considered a slow protein.

Both rapid and slow proteins offer benefits to someone trying to build muscle. Research has shown that proteins that enter the blood stream rapidly significantly increase protein synthesis. Proteins that enter the blood stream slowly have a pronounced effect on protein breakdown, significantly inhibiting it even at low quantities.

By using a combination of proteins that exhibit both fast and slow properties one should be able not only to jump-start protein uptake into muscle cells during a grueling workout, but also ensure that protein synthesis is jump started and that protein break down is kept at a minimum during the hours following their workout. Take the fast protein before training, and a slow protein after for maximum anabolic effect.

In summary, it is a mistake to say that a "fast" protein is better than a "slow" protein. Both types of protein should be used in strategic fashion to alter protein metabolism in favor of net protein deposition (i.e. muscle growth).
Well from what ive heard too bigger guys=longer digestion tracts and such like that so even if it were true it cant be true for everyone just from what ive heard though...
solcraft said:
bro i feel you. i live in the bay area, northern california, and i see it every day.& i'm mixed-half white ,half black, so i get it from both sides. i always check "OTHER" on thoes questioneres. think about this though, in the begining we all came from africa, so techincaly we're all of african decent. next time check a diffrent box see what

ive tried it, my hands won't let me do it though and the pencil normally breaks :toilet:
what about rtd's do u guys think that the are inferior due to cooking or whatever for government standards. i read this is an old magazine a few years ago? thanks