Nalbuphine Hydrochloride...

DaddyD said:
what is it? is that nubain?

I just found this article by Rick Collins, J.D., himself:

It isn't even scheduled anymore.

Not exactly something that I would personally classify as a rec drug, but I agree it has the potential.

Did the original poster just want to make an oral out of the raw chemical, or is there some way to make this stuff at home?
His words were, "im trying to source the raw material buts its harddd." I dunno what he meant or his intentions were. I realize nubain has some debatable uses in bodybuilding. Im not trying to be a tightass I just dont like any extra attention given to the chem forum over nubain or any other opiate.

From the linked article:
" But anecdotal accounts say otherwise. While extreme fighter Mark Kerr in the HBO report appeared to be additionally using various other opiates, reports of psychological addiction to nalbuphine abound. A few elite level bodybuilders have publicly described their experiences with nalbuphine dependency."
DougoeFre5h said:
His words were, "im trying to source the raw material buts its harddd." I dunno what he meant or his intentions were. I realize nubain has some debatable uses in bodybuilding. Im not trying to be a tightass I just dont like any extra attention given to the chem forum over nubain or any other opiate.
Well, that amounts to asking for a source, which just isn't allowed.

But we all appreciate that you aren't trying to be a tightass. :D
DougoeFre5h said:
From the linked article:
" But anecdotal accounts say otherwise. While extreme fighter Mark Kerr in the HBO report appeared to be additionally using various other opiates, reports of psychological addiction to nalbuphine abound. A few elite level bodybuilders have publicly described their experiences with nalbuphine dependency."
Well, if he was using other opiates, then that kind of throws the whole argument out the door, I think.

But if HBO said it, then it must be true. I'm so confused.

If the user is using the drug to get high, then it is clearly a rec drug.

If the user is using the drug for lifting purposes, then it amounts to an auxilliary or similar in my personal opinion.

But this is all moot, because the original question was asking for a source.
I have seen a number of guys go down the "bain" road to hell.......

PLEASE don't even think about it!
I've never even heard of it with lifters, prior. Interesting the reports 'ya all have heard.

Oh well. Guess I should just leave the subject alone.
Nubain if a very weak opiate. The reason that it's not scheduled is that it is an opiate agonist/antagonist. Stronger opiates like morphine are strictly agonists. Basically that means that Nubain has what is referred to as the "ceiling effect" where at a certain dose the drug begins to block its mechanism of action, effectively shutting itself off.
However, even thought this particular opiate one of the weakest, it still has addiction potential. It's kindoff like saying that a certain ferrari is slow because all the other ones are faster. In other words, it's the weakest of the strongest... Because of this ceiling effect, the majority of users will graduate to stronger opiates (a kind of "gateway" opiate), and it is a steep road downhill from there.
Nobody should touch this drug as it has no real benefits in bodybuilding other than maybe masking pain for a workout, which will only do much more harm than good in the long run. Bodybuilders tend to have the potential for addiction at a considerably higher rate than the average population, it is one of things that helps us succeed in this sport. That is why there is no need to test the waters with this stuff, because once you are in, there is no getting out.
i used to run it alot but as said its not as strong say as oxcys and stuff but yes it is very hard to kick
Stay away from the oxys. Bad news, was mixing 160mg. bottles for iv. Wicked addictive
Looing for anal source

Anyone know of a source for hot steamy gay sex?
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