Natural Sugar Question. MYFITNESSAP


New member
So I'm using myfitnesspal to track daily calories and on one of the settings it shows my total sugar intake. For my daily goal it says I should shoot for 41, which I don't care to much for anyways. But i usually get around 60-80 each day, because I eat two sweet potatoes a day which brings in about 40-50 grams of sugar. But too me thats natural sugar, wouldn't that kind of sugar be alright. It's much better then per say simple sugars, or dex right? The other sugars come from usually 2 cups of milk, some cottage cheese, and oatmeal.
The body's main source of fuel is glucose, unless you're running a keto diet. All carbs that are used for oxidation and energy must be converted to glucose before they can be used. Do you think a simple sugar is different than a complex sugar when they're both converted to glucose? Complex carbs generally have more micros so they should comprise the majority of your carb intake but that doesn't mean one has to view simple sugars as worthless. Sweet potatoes are fine for you provided you fit them into your caloric needs
Only thing I'd add is that sweet potatoes are better in a sense in that they have naturally occurring fiber, which lowers the glycemic index of the fructose you ingest. While sugar = sugar = sugar, it is best to try to keep those sugar sources from providing spikes by consuming them from sources rich in natural fiber in my humble opinion. As Dre pointed out, it all does convert to glucose in the end. :)
So I'm using myfitnesspal to track daily calories and on one of the settings it shows my total sugar intake. For my daily goal it says I should shoot for 41, which I don't care to much for anyways. But i usually get around 60-80 each day, because I eat two sweet potatoes a day which brings in about 40-50 grams of sugar. But too me thats natural sugar, wouldn't that kind of sugar be alright. It's much better then per say simple sugars, or dex right? The other sugars come from usually 2 cups of milk, some cottage cheese, and oatmeal.

When it comes to carbs your sources really don't matter in the scheme of things. The main concern is that you are getting enough fiber. If you are getting enough fiber, then you are likely eating mostly "clean" foods anyway. Once you have met your fiber intake then you can really eat whatever fits into your macros, hell I have held 5% bf all summer drug free and I eat ice cream on a daily basis. (There is a great local home made ice cream shop and it just makes me come back to life when my diet is so bland throughout the rest of the day) The key is "fits", I don't go and eat a cheat meal of ice cream. I go and get a small dish (no cone calories), which is roughly 4 oz, enjoy it and add it in to my daily intake.

Best of luck,