Need advice on D-Boll and test Cycle with post cycle therapy (pct) during Cycle


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Need advice on D-Boll and test Cycle with PCT during Cycle

Hi Guys,

Im going to do my second cycle.
I wanted to know if I can run like Clomid and HCG during my cycling to prevent me from shutting down after I stop my cycle.
On my last cycle I shut down very hard and felt very shit.Its only after 10 Weeks that I starting to feel better and harder after my cycle.
Prev cycle was 500mg Test Cyp split into 250mg twice a week for 16 weeks and 60mg Dboll ED for the First 4 weeks.

I want to run this cycle again but I am looking for a pct during cycle.
What would you suggest?
I am 35
6'6 220lbs 13%BF

Thanx a mill
A pct during the cycle? This doesn't make sense. Pct I post cycle treatment. Keyword is post cycle. Regardless when your body is overwhenled with test your natural production of test is shutdown. There is no chemical out there that will stop this from happening. If this was the case I think eveyone would run it. Hcg will help keep the nuts fuller(youll still be shutdown) but did you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) last cycle? Or got a full hormone bloodwork panel? Prob not and being that you're 35 I suggest if you want to stay healthy go get bloodwork.