Need Advice


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Need some help on adding some size I have posted a thread and seems like no one cares. I am just looking for ideas on how to add some more size and keep it on. I am 25 5'10 160 lbs 10% body fat I ahve been lifting for 6 years I am in the military so I fluxuate in weight. I need some help on prohormones. I would like to be at 175 and 6 or 7% body fat. My friend seems to think what he is taken will work for me but he is not blowing me away in the gym by any great lengths I would say we are the same. Any thoughts.
Now are you talking prohormones like m1t or are you considering coming over to the dark side with AAS?
What is your friend taking? What works for him may or may not work for you. Everyone is different. To gain 15 pounds of lean muscle and lower your bf to 6-7% is going to be extremely tough. Personally, I would focus on a high colorie diet (with a supplement of choice) to bulk and put on muscle and then diet down to your ideal weight of 175.
Well the dark side would be most preferable. But my ablitly to obtain has come at a high price and a hard lesson learned. I was smoked by an lifter at my gym. And its not like I can go a tell. I was thinking of prohormones because I can get my hands on them. Also I am in the military I know of people the do it and I also know some that got caught. I don't want to risk my future. My bud is going to take M1t and some tribex. I just don't know if it will work for me. I know gaining weight and dropping body fat is hard but that's my long term goal. I would be happier with sjust adding the weight. My job requires me to run some much that I can never gain.
Firstly, how youre diet? and youre training?
Im guessing youre diet sucks and you dont get good protein in??
Getting to 175 wont be a problem if you fix youre diet and training.
Well my diet does kinda suck. I have to eat at the chow hall. I take meal replacements threw out the day so that I can try to get in 5 meals a day. I also have protien on hand and take that in between meals. I take a multi vitamin and that's it. As for counting calories its hard to say because I don't prepare my own food.
Diet is so key man. It took me a number of years to realize it. As soon as I cleaned that up, my gains sky rocketed without supps, and exploded with the extras!!!!
hey buddy, that's your call completely. Philosophically speaking I think that gear is an option only after someone has really busted their ass in all areas (nutirtion, training, etc.). There is so much potential that people waste. If you feel that you have gone to the level of your personal best that is unsurpassable naturally, then go to the Gear man, otherwise, get the balance right. Its just been my personal philosophy.
Thanks I am going to hit my diet up hard and try to bulk up. I was also thinking of getting some M1T and Boldione and try that for a four week cycle. I have posted what I was thinking but no one wrote back.
pari6819 said:
Diet is so key man. It took me a number of years to realize it. As soon as I cleaned that up, my gains sky rocketed without supps, and exploded with the extras!!!!

word !
Gonzo, check out some of the M1T threads, I found them really helpful when I went through M1T. I personally love the stuff. I wish you luck man in all your goals!
Thanks I ahve been digging up alot of old threads I haven't seen one that said they have stack it with Bolione I have read alot of M1T and 4-AD with some mixed reviews. I was going to order it today and start it on Monday. I will post my gains at the begining and midway and the end of the cycle would a four week cycle be too short for M1T & Boldione
I know nothing works the same for others but was that M1T as is nothing stack with it. What kind of dosage did you run.
I ran Higher Power M1T+ for 21 days. I ran it moving from 5 to 10 to 20mg and then in the last five days I tripidated down. For my post cycle therapy (pct) I used Protein Factory Post Cycle. This has worked great. The 20 mg was taken 10 in the morning and ten before I lifted. The 10 mg went 5 in morning 5 before I lift. The 5 mg I took