Howdy all, I need your expert advice here.
Well after doing a few months of 5x5 I have come along way and have put on the mass I wanted before summer, so now I think its time that I cut up to show what I've accomplished. From this diet I hope to shed some body fat yet maintain the muscle that I have gained, so I need your critiques of this diet.
A Little background info: Im a 5'11, 21 year old male college student weighing in at 224 lbs student and my bodyfat is around 20-22% according to the latest test at the college health center. I train 4x a week on the 5x5 program, no real cardio except walking around to classes which is about 30 mins of walking during the week. So I believe that some of this fat should come off fast if I stick to this diet. The current supplements I take are E/C stack, Whey Protein, Flax Oil, and creatine.
Heres the diet I was planning on doing something like this:
Meal 1 Breakfast) 1/2 cup oatmeal
Whey Protein (46g)
* this is my main meal i think i need help with, I have very early classes and usually dont have time to make eggs or such so I figured reheating some oatmeal and downing some protein would get me going and out the door fast.
Post Workout Meal)
Whey Protein (46g)
Banana *(would other carbs be more beneficial? Ive heard mixed thoughts)
+ Creatine
+ Multivitamin
Meal 3 Lunch) Chicken or Tuna Fish
Brown Rice (1 cup cooked) or Red Potato *(what other carbs would you suggest here? This usually has to be a quick meal)
Meal 4 Snack) Whey Protein (23 grams)
1 TBSp Flax Oil
Meal 5 Dinner) Chicken Breast
Veggie Mix
Meal 6 Before Bed Meal) Whey Protein (23 grams)
1 tbsp ANPB
This diet is pretty rough but thats because I really need the feedback I think the macronutrient ratios will be decent to lose the fat while maintaining my muscle, especially since I still have high BF%. Any feedback would be great.
Well after doing a few months of 5x5 I have come along way and have put on the mass I wanted before summer, so now I think its time that I cut up to show what I've accomplished. From this diet I hope to shed some body fat yet maintain the muscle that I have gained, so I need your critiques of this diet.
A Little background info: Im a 5'11, 21 year old male college student weighing in at 224 lbs student and my bodyfat is around 20-22% according to the latest test at the college health center. I train 4x a week on the 5x5 program, no real cardio except walking around to classes which is about 30 mins of walking during the week. So I believe that some of this fat should come off fast if I stick to this diet. The current supplements I take are E/C stack, Whey Protein, Flax Oil, and creatine.
Heres the diet I was planning on doing something like this:
Meal 1 Breakfast) 1/2 cup oatmeal
Whey Protein (46g)
* this is my main meal i think i need help with, I have very early classes and usually dont have time to make eggs or such so I figured reheating some oatmeal and downing some protein would get me going and out the door fast.
Post Workout Meal)
Whey Protein (46g)
Banana *(would other carbs be more beneficial? Ive heard mixed thoughts)
+ Creatine
+ Multivitamin
Meal 3 Lunch) Chicken or Tuna Fish
Brown Rice (1 cup cooked) or Red Potato *(what other carbs would you suggest here? This usually has to be a quick meal)
Meal 4 Snack) Whey Protein (23 grams)
1 TBSp Flax Oil
Meal 5 Dinner) Chicken Breast
Veggie Mix
Meal 6 Before Bed Meal) Whey Protein (23 grams)
1 tbsp ANPB
This diet is pretty rough but thats because I really need the feedback I think the macronutrient ratios will be decent to lose the fat while maintaining my muscle, especially since I still have high BF%. Any feedback would be great.