Need diet for overnight schedule


New member
what is a good dietconsidering I work at 12am to 830 am. I am trying to lose bf and water retention. these are my meals

first meal letils with tuna
second meal black beans and chicken or tuna
third meal turkey sandwich
fourth meal tuna maybe if time is available.
fifth meal this is when i am already at work.
sixth meal
seventh meal
I don't see any need to have a speical diet, run it the same as if you slept at night or worked in the day.

Thanks for the replies and Jonnhy Havent heard from you in a while but I just was worried b/c i gained bf by eating late and it turned into fat. so just wanted to check. Also the reason I am eating lesser calories but not less protein is i am trying to get rid of some bf and some water retention that has made me feel like I am old or looking at myself from before and wanting to get back to that person I was. I am hoping this diet will work.
take 4 capsules of vitamin C by 500mg each before bed time. Also take calsium 2,000 mg in the morning when u drink your shake, if u dont drink your shake, take with food then. I did this for some time and have good results.
Yeah I am taking a mulit vitamin twice a day and vitamin c like crazy b/c I know that at those hours the defenses are a little low. fifth meal to seven is protein shakes. Also I will probably add some salad and some beans or meat to third and fourth meal. good idea or?
krieg, what do you mean you had good results? what kind of results can you get w/taking vit c?