Need feedback on my first ever cycle. What I plan to do.


New member

Never taken a steroid or a prohorpmone in my life.

22 years old. Been lifting a year. Wanting to gain size because im a power foward in basketball (adult league) and wanted to gain not only a strength advantage, but a size and atheletic advantage.

Currently 6'1, 155 pounds. A year ago I was 6'1 135. Come up 20 pounds, but that was all after 2 months, the last 10 I haven't gained weight. HOWEVER I have gained a siginificant amount of strength. I started off benching 135, I am now at 225. So that has increased greatly.

However my size has completly just stayed the same pretty much.

I currently take in 3000-3500 calories a day and also drink syntha-6 protein supplements as well as taking creatine monohydrate (I think the creatine has done nothing for me, thinking about dropping it).

My budget lies around $80-100 a month, the protein mix is about 55 a month and creatine maybe 5-10 a month.

My new plan:

- Take Halo-Plex prohoromone for 6 weeks (2 pills a day)

- Find a cheaper protein shake alternative, if not keep the same one.

- Stop using creatine completly.

- Increase my calorie intake to 4000-4500 a day.

- Continue lifting 3-4 times a week, but try to increase my weight by even more than usual.

- After 6 weeks, take Finaflex Revolution post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks.

This is just an experiment as well. If I don't get the results I want, or feel like my results had nothing to do with the prohoromones, I will simply never take them again in my life.

Need opinions.

Thank you.
I told to go the sarms route. Prob a lot cheaper and there is tons of threads on them. They def work if you eat right. If you think your magiclly put on tons of weight with what you have listed well your not gonna. You can't gain wait cus your not eating. Gaining muscles is 80% diet. If your diet sucks doesn't matter what you take you won't gain shit. Save your money and seek nutritional help not pro hormones. Once you get your diet squared away then seek other alternatives.
O.k, Google endomorph, ectomorpf, metamorpf, that will get ya moving on figuring out your body type. That then will lead you to articles that will help u determine your r.m.r, baseline calories. I'm assuming your a very fast metabolism. Any way, if you are your gonna have to take in far more calories than you think and a gainer is your best bet. On a budget whole milk will work. Google, pre, during and post work out nutrition. Forget pro hormones for now. At your age, you are a pro hormone! Seriously, on a budget, white potatoes and a micro wave are good alternatives. There are cheaper proteins choices too. Perserverance will pay off kid. Wish ya the best.
6'1" and 155? You need to get your diet straight or anything will be a waste of money if you can't eat enough to support it. Your natural testosterone is higher now than it will ever be, Im not sure why you wouldn't want to take advantage of that.
6'1" and 155? You need to get your diet straight or anything will be a waste of money if you can't eat enough to support it. Your natural testosterone is higher now than it will ever be, Im not sure why you wouldn't want to take advantage of that.

This post is interesting to me. If I take PH are you saying my natural test will never be as high?
This post is interesting to me. If I take PH are you saying my natural test will never be as high?

Your natural testosterone levels are highest from your late teens to your early 20's. if you take a steroid or PH when your test levels are naturally high, you could seriously screw them up. You should be eating like a pig and hitting th gym like a beast to take advantage of the natural test levels. hit your plateau in a few years and then start supplementing if you're looking to gain more.