Need help creating a.s. Cycle ever, with deca for shoulder surgery recovery


New member
I am in Florida, steroids are everywhere. I have been here for 3 years injured watching everyone grow huge while I atrophy. I tore my labrum in my left shoulder Jan 2010 and have not been able to exercise or lift since. It took me three years to save $12,000 for the surgery (I didn't have insurance). I just had my surgery on May 10, 2012 and just got discharged from physical therapy. I am now in the worse shape of my life and it is affecting my self-esteem, my happiness from the love of lifting and sports, and my experience with women. I am still experiencing pain and loss of range of motion due to the incredibly weak strength from the atrophy that comes from being in an immobilizing sling for 2 months after surgery. I am only looking for something to boost my recovery time and hopefully get me the ability to swing my arm so I may start running. I know that Deca Durabolin is good for easing pain in the joints, and if I run that with a form of test and continue my at-Home physical therapy I will quickly gain the strength back to be able to due minor things with my injured shoulder such as lift a gallon of milk, run, push a grocery cart.

I have had extensive dieting and training since age 13.

My Stats Before Injury VS Now:

Before: 16
Now: 19

Before: 5'11"
Now: 5'11"

Before: 175lbs
Now: 175lbs

Body Fat
Before: 12%
Now: I estimate about 24%

Before: Excellent gaining diet
Now: Poor diet for past 2 years, just now started college so looks like a lot of Water, Ramen, brown rice, oatmeal, and burgers.

1 Rep Bench
Before: 245
Now: Unable to bench with shoulder

1 Rep Squat
Before: 365
Now: N/A, stopped legs last year when the toll of the weight hurt my shoulder to hold it.

Before: Excellent, competed in jiu jitsu competitions and aspired to compete in crossfit.
Now: I start to breath heavy after going up stairs.

Please recommend full cycles and how to carefully do a PCT with explanations.
You may think I'm making a mistake, but once a 19 year old is surrounded by steroids and decides to use them, no one can talk him out of it. I come here to get help with the cycle so I know what I am doing instead of listening to the 20 year old dealer.

I was thinking of a stack of Deca Durabolin-Nandrolone, Test-E, and throwing in Clenbuterol with my PCT?

Thank You in advance for all your help and concerns.
nah bro
clean up your diet and training first... your too young for the sause. plus its not going to heal you like you want it too.
Sent you a pm bro. I have a nerve injury that left me laying on the couch for months. I was winded going up a flight of stairs, I even had a stress test done because I have never been so out of shape.

Steroids aren't the answer you want for your issues bro. Not for a while.
Your situation sucks ass but jack tors is right. Just get back in the gym and do what you can, you'll be feeling better in no time..
I can tell you from my experience, ive had 3 shoulder surgeries just to get it to where it is now.. I still cant do certain movements well and my strength still isnt what it used to be... I was juicing for a few years before i tore my labrum... I never payed as much attention to working all the SMALL muscle groups as i do now.. I gained about 30lbs from having to be a lazy fat ass cause my shoulder was so bad for 3years.. Now therapy got it so far and it took a hell of a long time for me to get it where it is now.. Concentrate on working all the stablizer muscles, forget about being big for now. just concentrate on being healthy and strong inside..

fast forward a bit and currently im 240, good build, about 12%bf and i probably look funny as hell to everyone else when i grab the 3lb and 5lb weights to work all the little muscles inside the shoulder joint. the upside down pop can raises are where i simply use the 3lb weights and 5lbs to work the rotator cuff muscles. What you have to look at is the longevity of this injury, if you juice it and you increase your strength before its ready to take the abuse you'll be right back to saving another 12k for a revision surgery............ YOU DONT WANT THAT! Trust me!!

On the plus side for you, you are only 19 with hard work you'll heal fine! i was 30 when i had the 3rd surgery. When people tell you, you dont heal as well when you get older, They are not lying!! Like i said its taken alot of hard work for me but im 90% better then i was and it gets better and better, i just have to keep after it...

Plus deca wouldnt help with this, it is the small muscles inside the shoulder that are healing and are sore from being cut and scar tissue that formed. Deca will add fluid to the joint which might mask some of the pain for now but you cant stay on deca forever..........
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Shoulder injuries are the absolute worst... My right labrum is still partially torn so I have to go light on the bench and shoulder exercises

DECA is certainly not the answer.... if you want to use deca specifically for joint lubrication then I specifically want to slap you
I'm not sure how you would train hard enough to merit aas with that kind of injury. If you just went through PT, you know the deal -- baby steps. You can make tremendous gains with straight up rehab. When you're stronger, then look at aas. But really, you're also too young, like everyone else has said. Is there a reason you think you need aas to get better? I realize recovery sucks (totally been there bro), but it takes time and you need to work with the process not against it.

In fact, I think most of us have been through injury. Sorry we don't have a pat answer for you (or the one you wanted to hear). :(
Thanks guys, your definitely right. I am just hoping to find some shortcut somewhere, south florida is littered with steroids, I knew personally 10 kids in my high school on them. Nothing more aggravating then watching kids that were smaller than you by 30 lbs quickly become larger than you with no visible side effects while you are atrophying. I am not happy unless I am working out, and I havent been able to for 3 years. I guess I am just getting impatient. Any advice to speed up recovery natural other the normal routine?
I can tell you from my experience, ive had 3 shoulder surgeries just to get it to where it is now.. I still cant do certain movements well and my strength still isnt what it used to be... I was juicing for a few years before i tore my labrum... I never payed as much attention to working all the SMALL muscle groups as i do now.. I gained about 30lbs from having to be a lazy fat ass cause my shoulder was so bad for 3years.. Now therapy got it so far and it took a hell of a long time for me to get it where it is now.. Concentrate on working all the stablizer muscles, forget about being big for now. just concentrate on being healthy and strong inside..

fast forward a bit and currently im 240, good build, about 12%bf and i probably look funny as hell to everyone else when i grab the 3lb and 5lb weights to work all the little muscles inside the shoulder joint. the upside down pop can raises are where i simply use the 3lb weights and 5lbs to work the rotator cuff muscles. What you have to look at is the longevity of this injury, if you juice it and you increase your strength before its ready to take the abuse you'll be right back to saving another 12k for a revision surgery............ YOU DONT WANT THAT! Trust me!!

On the plus side for you, you are only 19 with hard work you'll heal fine! i was 30 when i had the 3rd surgery. When people tell you, you dont heal as well when you get older, They are not lying!! Like i said its taken alot of hard work for me but im 90% better then i was and it gets better and better, i just have to keep after it...

Plus deca wouldnt help with this, it is the small muscles inside the shoulder that are healing and are sore from being cut and scar tissue that formed. deca will add fluid to the joint which might mask some of the pain for now but you cant stay on deca forever..........

Hey, thanks Illtemper for your input, unfortunately I am not yet allowed to send messages, but I want to hear more about your shoulder and recovery, as you've had 2 more surgeries than me. I had a SLAP tear, which was fasted down with 2 anchors in arthroscopic surgery. I have a lot of stress over whether or not my surgery was successful, its been 3.5 months and my shoulder is still sore and aches, I am not able to use it for very much other than small things such as cooking, tying shoes, dress, etc. I worry that I may have not been very careful in the early stages of recovery and may have pulled out an anchor or something. I have never had an indecent though where I felt a popping or pulling sensation followed by an increase in unbearable pain, which was enough for my doctor to be pleased with. It just is constantly sore and weak. What are your thoughts and advice? And any exercises you've discovered that may help.
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Thanks guys, your definitely right. I am just hoping to find some shortcut somewhere, south florida is littered with steroids, I knew personally 10 kids in my high school on them. Nothing more aggravating then watching kids that were smaller than you by 30 lbs quickly become larger than you with no visible side effects while you are atrophying. I am not happy unless I am working out, and I havent been able to for 3 years. I guess I am just getting impatient. Any advice to speed up recovery natural other the normal routine?

You said it yourself, "no VISIBLE side effects". The kids you are watching in school are too young too. You cant see the damage, but trust me, they will regret using aas at that age when they get older. And you will thank us for keeping you off of them until you get older. I dont want to sound like all the other guys, but ive had 2 open shoulder surgeries on the right, 2 arthroscopic surgeries on the left, and one open surgery on the left. I was in your shoes once, and i thought the same thing. I thought aas would be the thing that would help me recover, and i thought that if i could make my shoulder strong enough, it wouldnt come out of socket anymore.
"Illtemper" said it best. You have to concentrate on ALL the muscle groups in your shoulder and continue what you learned in therapy. A lot of those muscles can really be improved with small weights.
If you use steroids and try to shortcut this process, you will grow muscle faster than the supporting ligaments in your shoulder. Then you will be in worse shape than you started.
To answer your last question, at your age you should really concentrate on your diet, and with proper exercise you will be amazed at the gains you can make.
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