Need help healing minor injuries


New member
Hey guys starting a cycle in the next week. Currently my back is strained and I have tennis elbow. I know most of you will say hold off but this cycle has been carefully scheduled for a year with my football preseason. I dont trust any of my sources for hgh and the cost is a issue. I'm looking for some tips to get healed faster and some workout tips to help maintain my workouts without injuring myself worse. my cycle is going to be test e 500mg a week and dbol 30mg a day. If you feel I should add or replace on my cycle feel free to throw your advice my way. Im not looking for what cycle I need just tips on repairing minor annoying injuries as quickly as possible.


Love this forum by the way its been helping me since I was in grade 10.......a long time ago.....I waited until I was 30 to do my first cycle and felt very very confident going in with the research I found on here. Can't tell you how many horrible bullcrap things that were told to me by friends and people at the gym, so thank you for having this to find the right information on as well guys!!!
Welcome and thanks.

I cannot help u. The body is a miracle of self healing, cell replacing, toxin shedding work of nature. But u gotta let it HEAL. Throwing AAS will exacerbate both these however u can work around injuries and train and heal but bottom line is time is reguired here. Period.

My fav tri movements are skull crushers w free weight and or 100 pd dumbbell tri extension w a dumbbell sitting up right using 2 hands going behind head. I can t so I m doing other things. Sux.
You should look into TB500 and also keep in mind testosterone at dosages over 250mgs a week will weaken tendons. Try to find a steroid or peptide that increases collegen synthesis to offset the testosterones effect on tendons. Stonecold has a great thread somewhere around here about the positive and negative effects of different steroids on collegen synthesis. From what I remember deca, anavar, and eq all help with collagen synthesis.
As already said my man tb 500 but you could stack it with osta lgd 4033 ghrp2 and cjc ive had some good injuries and its helped me
You should look into TB500 and also keep in mind testosterone at dosages over 250mgs a week will weaken tendons. Try to find a steroid or peptide that increases collegen synthesis to offset the testosterones effect on tendons. Stonecold has a great thread somewhere around here about the positive and negative effects of different steroids on collegen synthesis. From what I remember deca, anavar, and eq all help with collagen synthesis.

yes, I just came across that thread. It was a good read.

AAS for the most part would heal up skeletal muscle issues with it being torn or pulled. (Mostly higher dosages of test)
However, if it's with tendons and joints, the the best is to use those above for a huge inc in coll syth repair rate.

I also saw a study comparing AAS to Cort steroids with Cort absolutely destroying muscle and common AAS repairing them much faster in rats.
The effect of anabolic steroids and corticosteroids on healing of muscle contusion injury. - PubMed - NCBI