NEED HELP looking for advise on cycle


New member

guys can u help me out...I/m 6' and about 205 and want to start a new cycle to add a small amount of weight but trim and add strength..what I have is;
trenbolone acetate....100mg/ml
methanolone enanthate....100mg/ml
testosterone cypionate...250mg/ml
trenbolone enanthate ....200mg/ml
winstrol...stanozolol...20mg tablets
dianabol..methandrostenolone...20mg tablets

I have variable amounts of injectable and tablets...What would be my best stack for a 3-4 month cycle that will give me the best results...

I'm sure they are going to ask your age, bf % and years of training... and to be more specific on what you are trying to accomplish.
Diet is everything. No matter how much of what for how long if your diet sucks so will the results.