Need help what to do when your hpta is shutdown!!


New member
Hello folks,

2 years ago I did Deca+Winstrol for 21/2 months. And did not take downhill anti-estrogen precautions, ex. nolvodex or clomid. I started having gyno on both of my breasts, and thought taking some Sustanon (sust) will cure it, but it made it worse. Now my genitals are shriveled to size of raisinettes. Here is the result of my latest test results:

Blood Glucose 71 mg/dl
Serum Prolactin 5.87 mg/dl
Free T4 0.80 ng/dl
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 1.25 IU/ml
Testosterone 725 ng/dl
LH 3.58 mIU/ml

How can I reverse the damage done?
I'd like to find out how?

Thanks in advance for ur helpful comments.
Sorry folks I have totally messed it up, I meant, I did the cycle 2 years ago and the cycle was for 2 and a half months long.
sefa take some natural test boosters that you can get at gnc. they work basically by restarting your nuts... you can try any HCG. i think pregnyl is the best. what you have is called testicular atrophy.. use any kind of HCG. however, i dont know if you will have to do this for the rest of your life or if this will jump start you and you will be good. but i do know that it works. and #3 i dont know why you waited so long and i dont know why you are on here. i would have ran to my doctor immediately...
Thanks for the reply. I did some arimedex 6 months ago, not for long though (2 weeks). I'm currently training for my new job in India, and the endo here was not helpful. Also some other people told me to wait (be clean) for a while would be a good idea, which would fix things. I also want to know if I messed up Leydig cells for good. I'm going to see if I can talk to Indian urologist might help. I'll be back in US sometime in December. How can I get a prescription for a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from an US doctor? Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the reply. I did some arimedex 6 months ago, not for long though (2 weeks). I'm currently training for my new job in India, and the endo here was not helpful. Also some other people told me to wait (be clean) for a while would be a good idea, which would fix things. I also want to know if I messed up Leydig cells for good. I'm going to see if I can talk to Indian urologist might help. I'll be back in US sometime in December. How can I get a prescription for a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from an US doctor? Thanks for the info.

If you're in India, you can get whatever you need directly at the pharmacy. Look for one of the bigger ones that has runners from other pharmacies in it; they'll have the more obscure stuff or order Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if it's not in stock and it'll be there same day most likely, they'll deliver to your hotel as well.

Also stock up on the generic ancilliaries, as they're dirt cheap since India doesn't recognize drug patent laws..
I have never herd of some one being perm shut down off one short cycle... EVER.

but i WOuld to to an ENDO-DOC and you may need to be on HRT.
you might have needed it BEFORE you did that cycle.

did you go do blood work before you did that cycle to make sure you where healthy to begin with???

maybe so herbal supps to boost your T levels??
if you did post cycle therapy (pct) and your still all screwed 2 yrs later I would go to an ENDO.
The urologist in India started me on HGH every two weeks, I'm 36. I just started, so I don't see a difference-my metabolism is slow, my skin is saggy, and my genitals are still small. I'll be back in US by Thanksgiving, anybody know a good endo or urologist in Michigan area (someone who can really understand my pain and give me a strong HRT)? I have not done anything other than taking over the counter endurance supplements, I want see if running long distance can restart your HPTA. I heard that Deca is the worst to recover from.

Thanks for all the feedback.