Need Help With Diet


Need some help with my diet. Just looking for some helpful answers and knowledgeable people that can be of some help. I am trying to prep my self for my next cycle in about 8 months

Got into a car accident a while ago and for some reason haven't been able to get the weight i gained during my recovery period. I am able to walk for a long time, but not run for long due to my flat feet.

Im 5'9, 202 pounds, and at about 30% body fat ( i know disgusting and embarrassing)

I do my regular workouts mon-friday, followed by one hour of cardio.

My diet consists of:

Breakfast: oatmeal /eggs/cereal

Lunch: chicken fried in olive oil, or usually a protein shake.

Dinner: Consists of whatever my wife cooks, meat,chicken, fish and usually with a side of rice.

I know my diet is completely bizarre right now for my specific goals, but if someone can help me outline a simple diet and cardio routine it would be a great help.

I would also like suggestions for the best whey protein that doesn't throw on as much fat for my diet.

Any suggestions would be great. Thanks ahead of time!
Eat at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. Try to get most of your fats and carbs early in the day. Meats,fish,poultry,eggs should consist of half your diet. eat 4-6 small meals spread out evenly over the course of the day. Throw in your shakes in between and get you a good multi-vitamin.
Eat at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. Try to get most of your fats and carbs early in the day. Meats,fish,poultry,eggs should consist of half your diet. eat 4-6 small meals spread out evenly over the course of the day. Throw in your shakes in between and get you a good multi-vitamin.

Should i create a calorie deficit, if so how much to cut. Also,which cardio regimen should i incorporate with which work out routine(lift heavy less sets, or less weight more sets for burn)?

Keep the advice coming mates!
Should i create a calorie deficit, if so how much to cut. Also,which cardio regimen should i incorporate with which work out routine(lift heavy less sets, or less weight more sets for burn)?

Keep the advice coming mates!

Yes you need to cut calories. There is an online calculator (search it) where it will outline the daily calorie limit you can have with your stats. Start by cutting 200 to 400 calories. You need a slow steady decrease in cals. You also need to out line a diet, write one out and follow it. Diet is like drinking water, and a lot of competitors make this mistake, they cut out too much water, and the water they take in they hold it cause there body thinks it's all it will get. Diet is similar, if you're eating maybe two meals a day or three, your body will hold onto the bad. Make sense??

Lots of sample diets online. Find your calories allowance and get in a meal every 4 hours
And for cardio and weight training, you're putting yourself in a weight loss state, go for reps and lighter weight, you don't need heavy weights and get injured

Without more specifics there is too much guessing involved. How old are you? the blow calculations are based on an age of 30 with the stats you gave me.

Calories - 2626

You are probably an endomorph? With an endomorph body type at a body weight of 202 pounds and a "Slightly Active" activity level, your total daily caloric intake should be ~2626 calories.

It's important to divide your total calorie intake over 6 small meals each day. This keeps a steady supply of nutrients flowing to your muscles and elevates your metabolic rate. As you add muscle your daily caloric needs will increase.

Protein: 293.46 grams

Protein builds muscle. In fact, it's the only macro-nutrient that goes directly towards building new muscle. Most athletes don't consume enough protein. Of these 2626 calories 1173.82 should come strictly from protein. That equals 293.46 grams of protein per day.

Choose lean sources such as grilled chicken, fish, eggs, skim milk, and lean red meat.

Carbohydrates: 238.31 grams

The calories derived strictly from carbohydrates each day should total 953.24 calories. This means your total carbohydrate intake per day in grams should be 238.31. Carbohydrates supply fuel for working muscles and are critically important to optimizing your nutritional requirements. Too low a carbohydrate intake can cause your body to catabolize lean muscle for it's energy needs.

Good complex carbohydrate sources include fibrous vegetables such as green beans, cabbage, whole grains, beans, and leafy greens. Simple carbohydrate sources include fruits, sugars, fruit juices and syrups.

Fat: 55.44 grams

Believe it or not fat is an important nutrient. However, it's all too easy to over consume. This being the case you should always strive to keep your fat intake to a minimum. Out of the 2626 calories you consume a day only 498.94 grams of fat per day. The majority of these fats should consist of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, omega 3, 6, and 9 fats.

Good fats come from seeds, nuts, olive oil, and fish. Special "Anabolic Lipids" are fats that promote protein synthesis and lean muscle growth.

Given your meals you listed, you are probably not eating 2626 calories a day. In this case your body is in a STARVING mode whereas you are STORING fat because your metabolism is not kicked into gear. The reality is you have TWO OPTIONS for success. OPTION 1: Count your calories at All Things Food and Diet - FatSecret or fitday- you need to get a handle on what you are eating a day. Additionally you will likely need to INCREASE the amount of food you are eating. After you have determined WHAT your daily intake is you will need to split it over 6 meals. At 2626 calories you would be looking at for example:
Meal 1 ~440 Calories
Meal 2~440 Calories
Meal 3 ~440 Calories
Meal 4 ~440 Calories
Meal 5 ~440 Calories
Meal 6~440 Calories

After you have determined what you DAILY maintenance is you will likely be able to SUBTRACT ~500 calories a day. I would do this by splitting the carb sources of your later meals. For example, if meal 5 and meal six contain 1 cup of Rice, eat only 1/2 cup each instead. This should cut around 500 calories. Additionally, you can cut your last meal out altogether if its easier.

OPTION 2: Consult a trainer to design a diet and or workout for you. I have been doing this for 15 years and I only recently hired a pro and it makes a WORLD of difference. The good news is, if you go this route ( shouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars) you will retain the knowledge FOR LIFE! I can refer you to someone if you PM me but there are also several reputable options on these forums as well.
Good Luck Amigo