Need help with first cycle


New member
So I'm planning out my first cycle but I need help on setting It up correctly.

I'm 5'11" and weigh 170 lbs at about 11-12% body fat.
Stats are bench 200x4, squat 275x5, deadlift 335x3
I'm mainly looking to gain a little bit of muscle while also cutting off fat.
I was planning on running,
Week 1-10- 400 mg Test Cyp
Week 1-11- 250 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot E4D
Week 1-11- 12.5 mg aromasin ED
Week 13-16 start PCT
Nolva 20/20/10/10, clomid 50/50/50/50

Not sure if that's a good first cycle
Any help would be great
Diet consists of 2200 calories daily, mainly lean meat, eggs, oats, yams, almond butter, fruits, veggies, and skim milk.
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How old are you?!?! How many years have you been training??

Thats a great choice on a first cycle, seems like you know your shit, which is a great thing haha.

Im rocking 600mg Test E a week, Im almost halfway through, and its amazing!!!
I'm 18 and about to start college.
Been lifting for 4 years and been athletic all throughout highschool.
I wanna cycle over summer to look great starting my freshmen year, but also to help with my mma training
Don't start yet man. Your diet can be improved A LOT. You are no where near your natural potential. You could naturally put on a lot of weight if you start eating right. What kind of workouts do you do?
I interval between a chest/tri, biceps/bi, and legs split 3x a week for a couple months, then switch over to a full body calisthenics routine with a weighted best for a couple months.
Diet is almost completely whole foods, almost never eat processed foods, and only drink water or milk.
I know I can gain more naturally but I want to get bigger while also losing fat in the 6 month period before I start college.
I have done trial and error with my diet for a few years and have found a high protein medium carbs and fat to work well with my training.
If anyone could gimme info on how to run the cycle in the safest way possible because I am set on running it and will run it no matter what.
Information on dosages, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), SERMS, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would be very helpful
Trees you still got a ball sack full of testosterone no need to juice at 18 roll a blunt get a blowjob workout hard eat big then around 25 hit the gear
Trees you still got a ball sack full of testosterone no need to juice at 18 roll a blunt get a blowjob workout hard eat big then around 25 hit the gear

See now I've been lurking on the forums for a couple months and have seen people recommend to wait until 25 but I never found out why?
Is there a reason why I shoul wait?
Like would the side effects be worse at my age or?
I'm just pretty confused on the subject still
See now I've been lurking on the forums for a couple months and have seen people recommend to wait until 25 but I never found out why?
Is there a reason why I shoul wait?
Like would the side effects be worse at my age or?
I'm just pretty confused on the subject still

Well right now your hormones are still ramping up and will continue to peak until at least 25. At 25 is where they normally level off. If you mess with them while they are ramping you could mess them up forever.
That and you can really make great gains right now with just diet and working hard.

Up your colorie intake to around 3500 and you will grow like you are on cycle I promise!
your still developing into a man believe me u got what everyone here wants TESTOSTERONE and at 18 if your healthy u got alot so u can make great gains natty!Those gains u make will stay with u and be your base the better base the more muscle u will be able to put on in the future.If u juice now u will be robbing yourself of natty gains dont do it. 18 is a great age have fun and dont fuck with the juice yet. fuck girls go out see the world the juice will be there when your 25.
oh I'm starting to see
It will just lower my natural test production from now on?
To be honest the main thing I'm scared of is becoming infertile from a cycle but I don't even know if that's a true side effect of just media propaganda
Well I quess I will continue cutting until I have a 6 pack or about 9-10%
I currently have a blurry 4 pack and was planning on cycling after I achieved a 6 pack but I will probly just try it natural
I guess I just wanted to cycle to help me gain muscle while also losing fat
I dont think so, this takes time and consistency I really dont believe in the plateau myth u still got years and years to get things perfect but beware the years go by fast so do things right
High synthetic test converts to estrogen. The estrogen will close your growth plates and will screw up ajy chance to grow taller. Pretty much all aas will shutdown hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis, or HPTA for short, is the thermostat for your bodys natural production of testosterone. Too much testosterone and the furnace will shut off. Not enough, and the heat is turned up, to put it very simply. So you really never know you can shut yours down and mess something up.
High synthetic test converts to estrogen. The estrogen will close your growth plates and will screw up ajy chance to grow taller. Pretty much all aas will shutdown hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis, or HPTA for short, is the thermostat for your bodys natural production of testosterone. Too much testosterone and the furnace will shut off. Not enough, and the heat is turned up, to put it very simply. So you really never know you can shut yours down and mess something up.

Is this less likely to happen if I were to wait a couple years before doing the cycle?
I see what the possibility is with shutting down my system but wouldn't that happen to me if I were 25 years old as well?