Need help with My post cycle therapy (pct) after a mixed cycle


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Need help with My pct after a mixed cycle

G'day People, i really need some "expert" advice on my pct, im coming into the last 5 weeks of my cycle, my cycle has not been a set system, it was a last minute thing and its all over the place. In my cycle i have run 1 vial of sus250 + 2 vials of sus300 + 1 vial of Test Enanthate200, my pinning amounts have been a little over the joint aswell, first two weeks i did 2 x .5 ml pins(sus250), next two weeks i did 2 x 1ml pins(sus250), next 4 weeks i did 3 x 1ml pins (sus250 + Sus300) then the rest have been 3 pins a week at .7ml .6ml .7ml(sus300), i know this is a chop shop cycle so i dopnt need to be told that, my next cycle will be better planned out... For PCT the only stuff i can get my hands on at short notice were Chlomid 20 x 50mg tabs, 5000iu HCG and a 1 month course of nolvadex. I have 5 weeks left of this cycle. Can someone please tell me how to pct off this properly with the stock i have at hand now...
Thanks :beertoast
You should be able to pct with what you have just fine. Go to the anabolic forum here and look up the Stickies on pct.
Ok so you have 5 weeks left don't panic. Start the hCG NOW (you should have been doing it all along but let's make do with where you're at). Do 1000IU a week total split into 3 separate injections. When you stop the Sust you can run HCG for an extra 7 to 10 days then STOP. 21 days from the time you take your last shot of Sust start your PCT (because of Decanoate in the Sust), which should consist of both Nolva and Clomid. I hope this helps.