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I am currently finishing up 2 weeks left a 15 week AS/T3 cycle. The AS and T3 both finish in a couple weeks.

Both my HTPA and Thyroid will be shutdown so would it be a good idea to extend the cycle, until my thyroid recovers fully otherwise may lose some more muscle and get a nasty bounce back.

I had my body fat tested today and have lost almost 30 pounds but I lost quite a bit of muscle too.

My cycle was...

1-12 600 mg/week EQ (frontload 2 weeks at 800 mg/week)
1-12 75 mg/day fina
1-6 75 mg/day prop
6-12 50 mg/day winny

week 7 started t3 (cycleon 60 day cycle)

I was thinking of running enthante at 200mg per week for approximately 8-10 by that time my thyroid should be fine.

Any feedback would be appreciated

I would taper down the T3... and Im not sure but by your post to me it seems like you want to run ethnate at 200mg for 8-10 more weeks??
thefantom1 said:
I would taper down the T3... and Im not sure but by your post to me it seems like you want to run ethnate at 200mg for 8-10 more weeks??

I was thinking about extending the cycle until my thyroid recoverys fully then come off.

Would you suggest extenting the cycle. Let the thyroid recover first then let HTPA recover.

Would 200mg for 8-10 be a good idea or should i go a bit higher?
