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First cycle hgh questions / issues

I am 27 years old 511 and 235 I did a cycle of test sup 250 and trend last year had minimal side effects mostly just Ed during my post cycle therapy (pct) . This year iam on hgh and test e I am doing 3 Iu a day of hgh and 2 cc of test e a week . I have been on this cycle for about 4 weeks , lately I have been having vivid dreams and I usually wake up 3 times a night to urinate . I am looking for advice as I would like to get a good nights sleep . Is this normal or is this something bigger going on ? All advice would be greatly appreciated thanks .
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i have heard of people who have this issue while on gh.. when are you injecting?
I work during the day so I get home around 7pm and then inject followed by gym, I have read everything from prostate damage to diabetese any insight would be helpful
not much you can do about it... maybe take some doxylamine... it might keep you asleep through the night
I am happy otherwise with the results and gains I am getting my main question was is this normal or a potential larger issue?