Need instructions for making Tren from pellets w/o a kit??


On Vacation
OK, I'm going to be making my Tren without a kit. PB suggested I start a thread that may help others who want to make Tren w/o a kit.

I will have 4g (2 carts) and I have these supplies:

30ml BA
30ml BB

What I need is instructions from you guys on easiest ways possible and if there is anything else I need. I know what ratios I need for BA, BB, OIL, just need the instructs.


RJH try to do it similar prep way as for Mr. T's kits....crush the pellets, etc.....just to isolate the hormone, and then whip it up the way ud do it....
gymphreak said: try to do it similar prep way as for Mr. T's kits....crush the pellets, etc.....just to isolate the hormone, and then whip it up the way ud do it....

That's what I am asking bro. I don't have a kit, nor have I ever had one.
OK here's how i used to do it back in the pellet days.

this will wrk for 4g. total solution will be 40ml @100mg/ml.

in a beaker/vial add 2ml ba (5%) and 6 ml bb (15%). add the pellets next. you can crush them if you like or not.

place beaker/vial on medium/low heat on a hot plate or frying pan on the stove. stir occassionally. it takes about 10-15 minutes for the pellets to completely break up. you should have a nice redish/brown cloudy solution/suspension now.

add about 30ml of oil to the beaker/vial. mix thouroughly. place back on heat and after about 15 minutes or so the filler will seperate from the liquid gold. sometimes the filler will stick to the botom of the beaker but none the less the filler will be on the bottom.

after it seperates (you will have a clear liquid gold solution on top of filler at this point) carefully draw off liquid gold and filter. dont try to get the last little bit of gold. this is where i use the coffee filter. pour the gunk that is left in the filter which is over another vial (duh) after 15 minutes or so the gold that is left will be seperated from filler. make sure to wet the coffee filter with oil first so it dont soak up the reamining tren. filter remaining gold into the sterile vial you using for the final container. 50ml vial in this case or bigger.

aspirate vial with a 25g pin and place in a preheated oven (275f) for 1 hour. make sure to calibrate you oven first. if the plastic on the pin melts it is no big deal, it happens sometimes. does not affect anything.

let it cool, put in smaller vials if you like and shoot. 40ml of 100mg/ml TA.

1 filter should do this conversion if you are carefull not to draw up the gunk from the bottom of the beaker. make sure to have an extra one or two on hand just in case.

i think this covers it.
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Thanks PB, that is great. I'll let you know how it goes in a few days.

Wow, finally getting on the Tren bandwagon. If I like this stuff as much as everyone else, I am definitely going the TrenE route.

Thanks again
Well, did my first shot of Tren last night. Shoulder hurt for a minute but I always get pain in my left delt. Think its b/c of scar tissue. Hard to push the pin in sometimes.

ANyway, no pain this morning. Thanks for all your help guys.
Great thanks, was just getting ready to post about it after 4 weeks.

Been doing 200mg EOD. Gained about 30-40lbs on Squats, Deads, and Bench, have leaned out quite a bit. There are pics of a few days ago compared t rght b4 I started the tren in the memebrs pic forum if you want to see the results.
Lookin good there rjh. It definatly looks like you've lost some fat around your midsection. What are you running along with the tren again?
DougoeFre5h said:
Lookin good there rjh. It definatly looks like you've lost some fat around your midsection. What are you running along with the tren again?

Thanks DougE, I'm running 750mg Cyp/week right now, just finished EQ, will be switching to Deca to now put on some mass now that I have lost some BF. PBs gonna help me with my added nutrition. HAHA.
Question about Fina cartridges: When I made my batch of Tren last February, I bought two Finaplix kits, and was told to use a 4G kit. Each kit contained two cartridges like this:

So I used four carts total, with one of Mr. T's 4G kits. Did I fuck up and accidentally make 200mg/ml tren, or did I get it right?
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Mr. dB said:
Question about Fina cartridges: When I made my batch of Tren last February, I bought two Finaplix kits, and was told to use a 4G kit. Each kit contained two cartridges like this:

So I used four carts total, with one of Mr. T's 4G kits. Did I fuck up and accidentally make 200mg/ml tren, or did I get it right?

No, you got it right. Each dose (cart) has 2g of Tren in it. So you got 2 carts or 4g. It should have made about 40ml @ 100mg/ml
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Well, the thing in the picture, I used FOUR of them, as mentioned in the post above. Two Fina kits, each kit contained two plastic carts. Four total.
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