Need PCT advice please! Tren a and test c! Clomid pct....


New member
32 years old 195lbs

I've been running tren ace 60mg Ed for 10 weeks, just ran out 3 days ago, also take test cyp 100mg Thursday and Sunday but still have 6 weeks of test left..... I have clomid for pct but I'm not sure when to take due to tren runnin out before test... Should I go ahead and start clomid or wait for test I end? And how much Should I take.... I've done some research but would just like one more opinion to go with! Thanks for your time and knowledge!!!
Obviously I want to keep building/cutting and want minimal loss....
Thanks for reply! Pretty much first cycle, ran tren before years ago in a horrible way.... I did much more research this time, obviously not everything I needed though... Avatar is me in the beginning.... I go back to dr in 4 weeks and will get some Nolva then.... Would it be a bad idea to get some more gear and continue on with a test c and something else?
Is this your first cycle? Is that u in the avatar? All these questions should've been answered before you even got gear! Run test longer then tren. Look up pct calculater for timing. Test c will probably be around three weeks. Get nolvadex and run it with clomid.

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50

Hers how your first cycle should go:

^^ this. I'd run the clomid 100/100/50/50 but hey close enough. Do not stop the test until you have nolva and clomid in hand.
Thanks for reply! Pretty much first cycle, ran tren before years ago in a horrible way.... I did much more research this time, obviously not everything I needed though... Avatar is me in the beginning.... I go back to dr in 4 weeks and will get some Nolva then.... Would it be a bad idea to get some more gear and continue on with a test c and something else?

Yea that would be a bad idea. Do 12 or so weeks of test then your pct. Time on = time off.