Need solid recommendations


New member
I have been out of the loop for a while so I was wondering what the best ceatine supplement is and what the best 1-test is and where I can buy them. Thanks in advance.
check out the steroidology store for the best creatine. its called plasmavol. and as far as 1 test currently im doing a cycle of bdc nutritions t-1 pro. its available at

im on my 3rd day now and im happy thus far. do a search on this site and youll be able to find plenty of advice on this board.
1-test is powder, its been placed in a topical formate for increased absorbtion as opposed to taking it orally.
It might be mixed with DMSO: I started a thread "DIY Transdermal"
to answer the question.

I was directed to another web address, but I can't get on the damn board-

There's supposed to be a recipe there.