Need some help


New member
Hi I just joined gym recently and i want to know how can I gain weight more quickly and what exercises should I do and what exercises i shouldn't in order to get weight. I also want to know about these supplements weather I should use it or i should use it after some time.

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First off what's your age and current stats. We will need those first. You have to make sure that your nutrition/diet, and training are up to par. If you can get those two in check, then you can start adding supps. Creatine and protein will be a big help for sure. Check out for supps and you can PM owner for any help.
Hey brother, I second that we need more info about you to offer advice. As for supps I would start off with just a multi, whey protein, amino acids, and possibly creatine. This is of course if your diet is in check. This is number one. You may want to check out the diet section for help on that. If I have more info from you I could offer more advice on training. NTBM carries the best tasting whey protein I've ever had. They also carry a really good multi called ruthless 3D and various creatine and amino acid supps.