Need some help


New member
I've been working out for over a year now. I made great gains on my own just lifting and eating - no supplements; however, tonight I felt myself hit that plateau. I've resolved the fact that I need some help now and figured this was the best place to turn. I'm still relatively new to the supplement side of the lifestyle and would like to know what some good LEGAL supplements that will get me strength and won't interfere with any drug tests - I don't want to end up like Bonds lol . I'm down for taking any suggestions and for the most part money isn't a concern. If anyone could point in a good direction as far as combining certain supplements for even better gains I'd appreciate that as well.
First thing I would look at is your diet. Can you outline it a bit for us? How many calories and grams of protein a day are you taking in? Are you using a protein powder? What are your stats (height, weight, age, etc.)?
Diet: My eating habits vary day to day. I have no set diet; however, I do get meat in every meal. Couldn't tell you how much protein and carbs I'm getting nor calories per day. If i had to guess I'd say about 2500-3000 cals.

No supplements at all, including multi-vitamins.

As far as stats:
270 lbs - large frame
22 yrs
54" inch chest - muscle, minimal fat
21" arms - minimal fat
38" waist - FAT(trust me lol)
32" thighs each - muscle

1 rep max on bench is 300
trap 600 3x10
squat 315 3x5
don't clean that much**
4.5s 40 yard dash
Cardio each time i'm at the gym for 30 min

I'm in it for strength and speed. I could care less about the beach body...i live in indiana which is the farthest place from the beach. However, I still would like to get stronger. I know I have it in me to be stronger, but like I said yesterday, I hit that wall last night and realized that I need help big time. So, I am asking all of you to help me out here with a diet, supplements, exercises...anything really. None of my friends know shit about lifting.

Thanks in advance.