need some opinions on current cycle


New member
havent posted my diet in a while, so lets get some opinions- Im currently 227 give or take, about 17-18% bf

1)55 gram protien shake
3)55 gram protien shake
4)bowl of oatmeal
5)whole eggs
6)55 gram protien shake
7)ultra lean pockets (48 grams of protien)
8)turkey, fat free cheese, on whole wheat bread
9)protien bar (30 grams of protien)
10) post workout shake (55 grams...)
11) 4 whole eggs
12)55 gram protien shake
13) protien bar (30 grams...)
*all shake with whole milk
Not currently cutting but not on a all out bulker either, trying something new for a while to see how it goes.
that doesn't look bad really, just a couple of more shakes/bars then I would get. I would try and get some chicken or lean meat in place of 1-2 of those shakes/or bar meals. Good luck with it. Let us know how it goes.
Eat it or Beat it!!! said:
whats ur vegie intake like?

no red meat?

honestly my veggie intake sucks, as for red meat, Im not including it in my regualr diet. If I go out, or on a cheat day Ill gbet some burgers or a nice steak. BUt generally Im going for leaner meat.
Iv never seriously tried cutting, Iv always looked to gain wieght, would this diet be alright to cut with? I really need help with this one since Im new to cutting. 3 years of bulking in me, I went from 165 to 235, now Im trying to lean a little for summer.
You need to eat more real food. Eliminate some of the shakes and bars, and add chicken, fish, red meat, turkey, etc. Also, if your trying to cut, use water for your protein shakes and not milk. Milk is loaded with simple sugars, and with the amount your using that will add up quickly. Get rid of the protein bars too, most are not great sources of protein and are high in sugar.

Are you counting calories? What are your total cals for the day?